[01-13-2024] Santa Barbara County, CA – Pedestrian Killed After Being Struck by Vehicle Along Highway 1 in Orcutt

[01-13-2024] Pedestrian Killed After Being Struck by Vehicle Along Highway 1 in OrcuttA pedestrian was killed after being struck by a vehicle in Orcutt, Santa Barbara County, early Saturday evening, January 13, 2024.

According to the authorities, the fatal collision happened after 5:00 p.m. along Highway 1 south of Highway 135.

Reports indicate that a sedan fatally struck the man for unknown reasons. The identity of the victim remains undisclosed.

The authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the fatal collision.

Dedicated Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Orcutt

Pedestrians share the same right to safety as drivers and motorcyclists in Orcutt and other areas of Santa Barbara County. You could be entitled to financial compensation if a driver’s negligence caused you and your loved one injury or wrongful death as a pedestrian.

Obtain legal advice from our dedicated Santa Barbara County pedestrian accident lawyers at Arash Law. The legal team led by Arash Khorsandi, Esq., will assist you in filing a claim and obtaining the maximum compensation for your injuries or deceased loved one. Our clients have been awarded compensation totaling more than $500 Million.

Contact us at (888) 488-1391 or fill out our “Do I Have a Case?” form to set up a free consultation with one of our lawyers.

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9 Steps to Take Immediately After A Pedestrian Accident in Orcutt

It is tough to think clearly after being hit by a vehicle, let alone if you are injured. But what you say and do at the crash scene can significantly affect the outcome of a subsequent claim you file against the at-fault party. These tips may help you avoid doing something that could reduce the value of your personal injury claim:

  1. Call the police as soon as the accident occurs and ensure an officer creates an accident report.
  2. Take photos of your injuries, the scene of the accident, property damage, the weather conditions, the road conditions, and the vehicle that hit you.
  3. Take pictures of the at-fault driver’s license, insurance card, and license plate.
  4. Get the names and contact information of all eyewitnesses or anyone who may have seen anything.
  5. See a doctor or other healthcare professional immediately, and tell them about every affected part of your body.
  6. Keep a journal about your injuries and the recovery process, detailing how you feel, the treatment you receive, and what costs you pay.
  7. Do not speak to the insurance adjuster or accept a settlement offer until you talk to an experienced lawyer.
  8. Stay off social media and avoid posting about being in an accident or the circumstances of your accident.
  9. Contact California pedestrian accident lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your case.


Fatal Pedestrian Accident Statistics

According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 7,388 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes, while about 60,000 pedestrians were injured in 2021.

Deaths from pedestrians increased by 46.2% between 2011 and 2020, while deaths from other traffic increased by 14.4%. The number of pedestrian deaths between 2019 and 2020 has increased by 3.9%, in spite of the fact that there have been 13.2% fewer vehicles on the roads during that same period.

An estimated 2% of crash fatalities were caused by bicyclists, and about 17% were caused by pedestrians. Santa Barbara County had approximately 116 pedestrian-related fatalities and injuries in 2022, based on the data provided by the Transportation Injury Mapping System.

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