One man identified as 28-year-old Odai A. of Simi Valley was fatally struck by two vehicles in Ventura on Sunday, February 13, 2022.
The fatal pedestrian accident occurred just before 8:00 p.m. along Harbor Boulevard in Ventura, just south of Spinnaker Drive.
The pedestrian was struck by a car and knocked down onto the road.
He was then run over by a second vehicle, which fled the scene.
There are no other details available.
The accident remains under investigation.
Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident Statistics
The driver who hit and fled the scene bears the responsibility for their actions. Unquestionably, if the suspect is located, they will be arrested and charged with a crime.
A driver who flees the scene of an accident is responsible for one in five pedestrian deaths. Pedestrians are killed in hit-and-runs at a rate of 60 percent.
When someone else’s reckless actions injure a pedestrian, they have no choice but to be completely exposed.
More pedestrian deaths occurred between 2007 and 2016 than other traffic-related deaths decreased by 14 percent during the same time period.
Due to a lack of a valid license or fear of arrest, some drivers choose to flee an accident scene rather than wait for assistance.
Ventura County Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer for Victims of Fatal Hit-and-Run Crash
If you’re in a car accident in California, you have to safely pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible. Failure to stop and wait for the authorities to arrive is a felony or serious crime.
Your chances of receiving compensation for your injuries or the death of a loved one increase if you contact an experienced California hit-and-run accident lawyer as soon as possible.
Our Ventura County hit-and-run accident lawyers at Arash Law have extensive experience in representing pedestrians who have been injured or killed in hit-and-run accidents. Because of our experience, we know exactly what the law is in these situations.
For the best possible settlement or jury verdict, our attorneys take the time to get to know their clients and their concerns. Call (888) 488-1391 immediately to set up a free consultation with a hit-and-run lawyer from our firm.