Two drivers were involved after a suspected road rage led to a two-vehicle collision in Spring Valley, San Diego County, on Wednesday night, March 1, 2023.
Reports confirmed the crash transpired around 11:30 p.m. on northbound State Route-125 near Troy Street.
According to authorities, the road rage incident occurred between a black sedan and a silver SUV, which included brake-checking, one vehicle cutting off the other, and an eventual collision.
The silver SUV was thrown down an embankment, while the black car sustained front-end damage.
Paramedics treated both drivers at the scene, but neither was taken to the hospital.
Officers were still trying to figure out how the collision happened as of early Thursday morning.
Two-Vehicle Collision Statistics
It is estimated that between 20 and 50 million people are permanently disabled due to accidents. Approximately 3,287 Americans die in traffic accidents every day.
California has a high incidence of car accidents that result in death or severe injury. The state accounts for 10% of all traffic-related deaths. A report from 2017 shows that 389 people were killed and 276,823 injured in motor vehicle accidents.
According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, 19,938 car accidents in the state resulted in injuries or fatalities in 2019. As compared to the previous year, the number decreased by 1.6%.
Thousands of people drive to work every day. As a preventative measure, safety measures such as not driving while intoxicated, using seat belts and child restraints, increasing visibility, and using appropriate headlights and road lighting must be implemented.
How Do I Report an Accident to the Police?
If you have been in an accident, we can help you obtain a police report
All we need to know is what happened and where it happened. Once we have all the required information, we will contact the appropriate parties.
With our help, you won’t have to worry about whether your insurance will cover any injuries or damage-we’ll ensure it’s covered!
Trusted Car Accident Lawyers in San Diego County
Those injured in catastrophic accidents may need more time and effort to recover fully. Consequently, they may have difficulty finding work and face financial hardship.
An insurance claim can be a challenging process. With our firm on your side, you are assured that your lawsuit will be successfully defended.
Bringing a lawsuit against the at-fault party or their insurance provider may help reduce your financial burden. You can navigate the legal system more effectively and win your case by hiring an experienced attorney.
You can count on our San Diego County car accident lawyers, who are committed to meeting the needs of their clients at all times. We’ll move the process along quickly so you can resume your normal activities immediately.
To learn more about your legal options, call us today at (888) 488-1391 or fill out the “Do I Have A Case?” form on our website.