[03-10-2024] Madera County, CA – Driver Trapped Following Multi-Vehicle Collision Involving DUI Along Adell Street

[03-10-2024] Driver Trapped Following Multi-Vehicle Collision Involving DUI Along Adell StreetA driver was trapped in an overturned vehicle following a multi-vehicle collision involving DUI in Madera on Sunday evening, March 10, 2024.

According to the Madera Police Department, the collision happened at Adell and D Streets, where the officers found the three cars involved in a collision.

Authorities stated that one of the vehicles rolled over because of the collision’s impact. A driver was reportedly trapped inside the overturned vehicle. Emergency personnel worked to free the victim.

Police arrested the 43-year-old Adrian S. after he allegedly had a blood alcohol content of more than two times the legal limit.

The number of people involved and the extent of possible injuries the parties sustained remains unknown.

No further information was available. The investigation continues.

Award-winning DUI Accident Victim Attorneys in Madera, CA

Whenever a victim is injured or killed by a negligent driver on the road, they are entitled to monetary compensation. It is vital to retain a personal injury lawyer when dealing with accidents caused by drunk drivers.

Contact Arash Law right away for an initial consultation. One of our DUI accident attorneys, led by Arash Khorsandi, Esq., will provide you with a summary of your case, a possible settlement amount, and an explanation of the insurance claims procedure.

Seek legal advice from our award-winning Madera DUI accident victim lawyers who have the recognition and experience to represent victims. We have recovered over $500 Million in settlements and verdicts, demonstrating our commitment to justice and financial compensation for our clients in California.

Contact us at (888) 488-1391 or complete the “Do I Have a Case?” form on our website to schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers.

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Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself After Being a Victim of a DUI

No one can predict a car accident, but you can prepare for one. A DUI accident checklist in your glove box can help you stay calm and organized after a car crash. It can tell you what to do, what not to do, and how best to protect your rights.

Whether you are the injured victim or the family of a deceased loved one, here’s what to do after a DUI accident:

  1. Don’t Agree or Accept Responsibility. Insurance companies often try to shift some blame onto the injured victims of DUI accidents. By doing so, they reduce their liability. If you have been in a DUI accident, never admit fault. Drunk drivers should be held responsible for their actions.
  2. Avoid Making a Statement. After an accident, you don’t have to give the insurance company a recorded statement. An insurance adjuster will call you many times, asking for your statement so that they can obtain information against you in the claims process. Ensure that you communicate with the insurance company through your lawyer so that your words are not misinterpreted or twisted.
  3. Avoid Opening Settlement Discussions. It is common for insurers to limit the amount of a settlement for an injured victim in cases in which liability is clearly evident. The most common tactic they use to compensate victims of DUI accidents is to offer a quick, lowball settlement. Do not settle your claim for less than what you are entitled to. If you are involved in a DUI accident, ensure your attorney handles the settlement negotiations.
  4. Avoid Signing Any Documents. A lawyer should be consulted before signing any documents from an insurance company. Insurance companies often require injured victims to sign a release of their medical records. Do not believe them when they claim that they need a particular document. They are simply seeking information to reduce your compensation. You may not be required to give them full access to your records. By hiring a lawyer, you can ensure that your rights are protected.
  5. Consult a DUI Accident Victim Lawyer. There is no reason why you should compete with a large insurance company on your own. Insurers will spend considerable resources to reduce your settlement. A California DUI accident victim lawyer can best protect your rights and interests by dealing exclusively with the insurance company. If you are having trouble getting important documents for your claims, like a police or medical report, our California DUI accident victim lawyers can help you secure them.


DUI Accident Statistics

In the US, drunk driving accidents cause the deaths of 32 people daily, or one every 45 minutes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2020, drunk drivers caused 11,654 traffic deaths, an increase of 14% from the previous year.

Between 2016 and 2017, there were 5.8% more fatal alcohol-related traffic accidents. Intoxicated drivers put everyone on the road at risk. Every year, drunk drivers waste approximately 2 billion gallons of fuel.

In California, 949 people died in 2019 due to drunk driving. This is 2.4 per 100,000 people, while the national rate is 3.1 per 100,000. About 31 alcohol-involved fatalities and injuries have been reported in Madera based on 2022 data from the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS).

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