Authorities say an unidentified pedestrian was killed after being struck by a Metro light rail train in South Los Angeles on Thursday morning, April 7, 2022.
According to a Los Angeles Fire Department alert, the crash occurred around 7:30 a.m. at 1629 E. 24th St. in the Central-Alameda neighborhood.
The Metro Blue Line train was stopped in its tracks as firefighters responded, according to aerial video from Sky5.
The person who died was unknown to the LAFD, and the circumstances surrounding the collision are unknown.
Due to the incident near the Washington Station, the L.A. Metro warned riders to expect major delays.
Northbound trains were diverted to Vernon, while southbound trains were diverted to Washington.
L.A. Metro officials said bus shuttles were requested for service between the Vernon and Washington stations.
There were no further details available at the time.
The accident remains under investigation.
Fatal Train Accident Statistics
According to some people, taking public transportation may not be the most efficient or cost-effective mode of transportation. While traveling, the number of people who are killed or injured has increased over time.
There are train accidents all over the country. According to the Department of Transportation, approximately 5,800 train-car collisions occur each year in the United States. Train tracks are where you’ll find them in the most abundance. Throughout these incidents, 600 people died, and 2,300 were injured.
Approximately 80 percent of railroad crossings lack adequate warning devices, according to the Federal Railroad Administration of the Department of Transportation.
More than half of all train accidents are the result of train derailments or other negligent acts.
Los Angeles County Train Accident Lawyer
Train accidents, which are all too common, can lead to serious injuries or even death. If you or a family member has recently been involved in a car accident, contact Arash Law today. We care about your rights as a victim of crime, and we’re here to support you.
Those who have lost a loved one in an accident may be entitled to financial compensation by bringing a wrongful death claim against the party or parties responsible for the death. Pain, suffering, lost wages, and diminished earning potential are all included in what is referred to as medical expenses.
For the driver who caused the collision, families who have lost a loved one are an easy target. Ensure that they are not subjected to legal exploitation.
Wrongful death cases are constantly evolving, and our attorneys are always aware of the most recent developments. Our Los Angeles County train accident lawyers at Arash Law can help you recover compensation for your family in the event of a tragic train accident. Call (888) 488-1391 for a free consultation before filing a lawsuit against a business.