According to the California Highway Patrol, a male passenger died in a crash on Reservation Road on Sunday, April 10.
The crash occurred around 5:00 p.m. at the intersection of Reservation Road and South Davis Road.
According to the California Highway Patrol, a single vehicle lost control for an unknown reason and collided with a pole, killing a man in his early twenties.
The vehicle’s driver was described as a 19-year-old man who was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
According to CHP, drugs and alcohol are unknown factors at this time.
The crash remains under investigation.
Fatal Single-Vehicle Crash
Even though single-vehicle collisions are among the most lethal on California’s roads, many motorists aren’t aware of this fact.
One car is involved in 62% of all California-related fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Since California has the most single-vehicle accidents, drivers need to be aware of the various factors at play.
A wide range of factors can cause a single-vehicle collision. It is not uncommon for one car to run off the road because the driver was speeding or making sharp turns on a wet and slippery road. It is possible to find debris on the road, such as a large branch or an object that fell from a truck.
An accident caused by something that is not your or another driver’s fault, like a deer jumping in front of your vehicle, will likely limit your compensation under your comprehensive insurance plan.
Monterey County Car Accident Lawyers
Because of their injuries, many people involved in car accidents are unable to return to work or school. Even if a victim dies due to a negligent driver’s actions, that person is still held accountable. Victim’s family members can file wrongful death lawsuits against the negligent driver who caused their loved one’s death (or legal heirs).
For them, the act of reliving their sorrows and grieving is a difficult one. Victims must testify about their losses in front of strangers in depositions and trials. Dealing with the stress of a lengthy legal battle can harm one’s mental health.
It’s critical to hold reckless drivers accountable when they cause an accident. When a high death toll is the result of negligence, accountability is essential. For grieving families, wrongful death lawsuits can be emotionally challenging and provide a sense of closure. This is good news for everyone who drives in California.
Our Monterey County car accident lawyers at Arash Law have decades of combined experience and have recovered more than $500 million for our clients in California. It doesn’t matter if you live in San Francisco or Sherman Oaks; our clients come from all over California to see us. Call us at (888) 488-1391 for a free consultation with one of our trusted attorneys.