[04-12-2022] San Bernardino County, CA – 9-Year-Old Girl Shot Inside a Victor Valley Mall

A 9-year-old girl was seriously injured after getting shot inside a mall in Victor Valley on Tuesday evening, April 12, 2022.

[04-12-2022] San Bernardino County, CA - 9-Year-Old Girl Shot Inside a Victor Valley MallThe incident happened at approximately 6:28 p.m. Sheriff Dispatch received multiple reports of gunshots inside the Mall of Victor Valley.

Margel C., the co-owner of Sole Addicts, was initially chasing two shoplifters out of his store. He then fired multiple shots at the shoplifters.

Unfortunately, the suspect missed, and the bullets landed on an innocent 9-year-old girl. The 9-year-old girl was excited to take pictures with the East Bunny when the stray bullets suddenly hit her.

The culprit fled the area but was later apprehended by police. He was booked into the Clark County Jail on a $1,000,000.00 extraditable warrant for attempted murder.

Local authorities are further investigating the case. Witnesses that can give more information about the incident are urged to call the Victorville Police Department at (760) 241-2911 or Sheriff’s Dispatch at (760) 956-5001.

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Premises Liability Lawyers for Assault Victims in San Bernardino County

As the number of mass shootings in the United States has risen, it has become clear that these tragedies can occur at any time or place. Multiple-victim shootings can occur in various settings, including places like grocery shops, nightclubs, and more. Even while the number of mass shootings is on the rise, the vast majority of these incidents only result in the deaths of one or two people.

Wasn’t it interesting to learn that the premises owners on which the shooting took place may also be held accountable if they fail to provide visitors with necessary safety precautions?

Under California’s premises liability statutes, property owners are obligated to protect their visitors from violent criminal attacks. A property owner may be held accountable for your injuries if they fail to take the required precautions to keep their property safe.

An experienced premises liability lawyer is essential if you or someone you know was injured by a gunshot and believe the property owners are partly to blame. (888) 488-1391 is the phone number to call for urgent assistance from our 24-hour legal helpline.

Calling Arash Law’s skilled San Bernardino premises liability attorneys will allow you to concentrate on getting your life back on track following a traumatic injury. For free consultations and contingency fee arrangements, we’re here for you! If you’d like to set up a free consultation and learn more about our services, please contact us by phone or email.

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