[05-12-2022] Kern County, CA – 71-Year-Old Woman Killed in Fatal Two-Vehicle Crash in SR-14

[05-12-2022] Kern County, CA - 71-Year-Old Woman Killed in Fatal Two-Vehicle Crash in SR-14A 71-year-old woman identified as Linda K. was killed in a crash near Abbott Drive on Thursday, May 12.

The crash occurred around 4:40 p.m. on State Route 14 near Abbott Drive, north of the Redrock-Randsburg intersection.

A pickup truck towing a horse trailer collided with a sedan.

Kracke was pronounced dead at the scene.

There were multiple injuries and at least one death as a result of the collision.

The horse involved in the accident was also taken care of by Animal Control.

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Fatal Two-Vehicle Crash Statistics

Since 1990, both the overall death toll and the death rate as a percentage of the US population have declined steadily in the country.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 102 people were killed in car accidents every day in 2016.

Car accidents kill many people on California’s many busy freeways every year. Many people are killed each year in California’s high-speed car and truck accidents.

According to the state’s Office of Traffic Safety, more than 3,500 people died in car accidents in California in 2014. (OTS). Dozens of people have died due to recent natural disasters that have struck the state of California.

The most common causes of these accidents are people who have been drinking or distracted, speeding, or not paying attention to the road.

Kern County Car Accident Lawyers

It is critical that the family of the deceased contact an experienced fatal car accident attorney as soon as possible. There will be a thorough investigation by the driver’s insurance company. No one doubts what they’re saying at this point. It’s best to give yours the respect it deserves.

Car accident wrongful death lawsuits can be difficult to handle on your own without the help of an attorney. An experienced car accident lawyer would be a huge benefit to both you and your family.

There are a number of potential triggers for a car accident. Most of the time, the other driver’s carelessness or lack of experience is attributed to the incident. Our Kern County car accident lawyers at Arash Law can provide legal assistance to victims or family members of deceased victims.

After a car accident, it is our job at Arash Law to help you understand your legal options. Get in touch with Arash Law immediately at (888) 488-1391 or via email to set up a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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