[05-21-2024] Sacramento County, CA – Bicyclist Injured Following Bicycle Vs. Vehicle Collision in Land Park

[05-21-2024] Bicyclist Injured Following Bicycle Vs. Vehicle Collision in Land ParkA bicyclist was injured following a bicycle vs. vehicle collision in Land Park, Sacramento, on Tuesday evening, May 21, 2024.

According to the authorities, the accident occurred at about 7:15 p.m. at the intersection of Broadway and Riverside Boulevard.

Upon arrival, authorities found a person down on the roadway with injuries. The victim’s name, age, and place of origin were not readily provided. The extent of the injury sustained by that one person was also not available at this time.

It is unclear if the driver of the vehicle involved remained at the scene or not. No other injuries were reported as of now.

Other motorists experienced traffic slowdowns around the area as a result of the incident.

Additional information was not immediately available. The authorities are still carefully examining all the evidence they can find to determine the factors leading up to the crash.

Talk To Our Reliable Bicycle Accident Lawyers In Sacramento, CA

Hiring reliable legal counsel is crucial whenever you are filing a claim for damages in a bicycle accident that caused injuries or death. At the same time, the victim of a personal injury may pursue monetary damages for their suffering by launching a lawsuit.

It is wise to consult a lawyer in these situations. They can assist with the appropriate modifications to the insurance amount you deserve and various legal documentation practices. If you or your loved one is injured due to a bicycle accident around the area, please know that our Sacramento injury law firm is here for you!

You can rely on our most reliable Sacramento bicycle accident lawyers, under the direction of Arash Khorsandi, Esq., to effectively represent you in these court proceedings. Additionally, our attorneys can assist you if obtaining further information or a police report proves challenging.

Our firm has recovered more than $500 million for California clients, so rest easy knowing that you are working with the best.

If you want to speak with one of our lawyers, please call (888) 488-1391 or fill out the “Do I Have a Case?” form.

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What To Do After A Sacramento Bicycle Accident

Bicycle accidents can be quite upsetting since they can cause financial hardships, mental stress, and physical harm. It is essential to comprehend what to do and what not to do following an accident in order to save oneself, preserve one’s legal rights, and hasten recuperation. This exhaustive guide provides invaluable support in handling the aftermath of bicycle accidents by outlining important procedures to take following an incident.

  1. Remain calm and focused. Make sure you are safe, then check with others.
  2. Get medical attention immediately.
  3. Contact the police after the collision and ask for an accident report.
  4. Keep a detailed record of everything, including your injuries, the weather, road conditions, and the vehicle involved.
  5. Gather the names and contact information of all possible witnesses.
  6. Keep a notebook to record your injuries and healing process. Describe how you’re feeling, the treatments you’re receiving, and the cost.
  7. Before speaking with a lawyer, do not negotiate with an insurance company or accept a settlement offer.
  8. Contact your insurance provider.
  9. Refrain from sharing anything concerning accidents or how they happened on social media.
  10. Consult an experienced California bicycle accident lawyer immediately.


Bicycle Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 966 motor vehicle incidents in 2021 resulted in the deaths of bikers. There was an increase of 1.9% in the number of cycling deaths compared to the 948 fatalities reported in 2020.

It has been reported that highway fatalities and serious injuries have increased since 2012. Bicycle traffic fatalities have increased by 37% within the last ten years, but nonfatal injuries have decreased by 44%.

The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) develops education and prevention programs for road safety. In 2021, the OTS allocated 93.7 million dollars for 415 traffic safety grants designed to improve the infrastructure for bicycles and pedestrians.

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