A male pedestrian was injured after two dogs attacked him in Joshua Tree on Saturday noon, December 24, 2022.
The accident reportedly occurred around 12:00 p.m. on the 6000 block of Center Street.
A concerned citizen contacted 9-1-1 to report two giant dogs racing aggressively toward pedestrians. Another citizen called to say that one of the dogs had attacked a man.
Authorities discovered the victim, who had puncture bite wounds on his leg. The dogs were said to be several yards away.
As a precaution, officials sent public service notices to surrounding business owners and customers.
According to investigators, Morongo Basin Animal Control officers responded and seized both animals. The owner of the pets assisted officials as well.
Both canines were reportedly taken away for quarantine.
Investigators have encouraged anyone with information on this case to call the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s Morongo Basin Station at (760) 366-4175.
Dog Bite Injury Statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 4.5 million Americans are dog bite victims yearly, with more than 800,000 requiring medical attention due to dog attacks. At least half of all bite victims are children.
In 2019, California recorded the most dog bite fatalities. In 2018, 36 dog attacks killed 15 children and 21 adults.
Dogs can attack in various ways, including biting, scratching, and knocking over. Dog bites occur when a dog bites a person and causes bodily harm. Bite injuries can cause infection, deformity, temporary or permanent damage, and even death.
Dog attack laws vary from one state to the next. When a dog bite case arises, Section 3342 of the California Penal Code describes the steps that must be taken in court. Those who suffer losses from dog bites in a public or private environment while the dog’s owner is lawfully present are held liable under this clause.
Because dogs bite so frequently, people should use caution when petting other dogs. Even though some dogs can attack even when not provoked, being calm and avoiding physical contact is critical.
Dog Bite Lawyers for Victims in San Bernardino County
Dog bites are typically violent and tense, mainly when numerous dogs are involved. If the victim of the attack survives, they will most likely suffer puncture wounds, scratches, or crush injuries. If the dog’s vaccines are outdated, the bite victim may require a rabies vaccine or other treatments to avoid illness.
Puncture wounds from dog bites can be excruciating and take weeks to heal. After a dog attack, the most important thing to do is get medical attention. The sooner these wounds are treated, the better your chances are. After that, seek the guidance of an expert dog bite attorney.
Contact our law firm for legal representation if a dog bite has injured you or a loved one. Our dog bite lawyers in San Bernardino County can help you file a claim against the dog’s owner in light of their experience dealing with California’s dog bite laws.
To speak with one of our expert attorneys, reach us at (888) 488-1391 or click on the website’s “Do I Have a Case?” page.