Arash Law Answers How Can Hiring the Wrong Lawyer Affect the Results?
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Episode 4
Starring Judd Allen, Esq.
My name is Judd Allen. I am a senior trial attorney here at Arash Law. I became an injury attorney because I worked for a very large insurance company for over 12 years. And during those 12 years, I saw insurance companies systematically take advantage of injured people. After 12 years of working for them, I decided to take everything I learned from that side and use it against them because what they’re doing is wrong, and it’s improper, and I won’t stand for it anymore.
My name is Judd Allen. I am a senior trial attorney here at Arash Law. I became an injury attorney because I worked for a very large insurance company for over 12 years. And during those 12 years, I saw insurance companies systematically take advantage of injured people. After 12 years of working for them, I decided to take everything I learned from that side and use it against them because what they’re doing is wrong, and it’s improper, and I won’t stand for it anymore.
How Can Hiring the Wrong Lawyer Affect the Results?
The importance of hiring the right lawyer is crucial. The reason for that is insurance companies look at the lawyer you hire, and if you hire a lawyer who everybody hires or just some random attorney, they know what they know that he won’t go to trial that she won’t go to trial that she doesn’t have the credibility that you need to get you the money that you want and the money that you deserve, and if you hire somebody like Arash Law, insurance companies know we will take this as far as long we need to get you the results that you require.