[03-30-2021] Orange County, CA – Rear-end Crash in Buena Park Injures Five People

Five people were hurt due to a rear-end crash in Buena Park on Tuesday morning, March 30.

[03-30-2021] Orange County, CA - Rear-end Crash in Buena Park Injures Five PeopleAccording to the local authorities’ initial reports, the accident took place on Highway 91 at Beach Boulevard.

A disabled vehicle on the highway’s eastbound lanes was rear-ended by another vehicle for unclear reasons. The circumstances leading up to the collision have not been established.

Three people were extricated from the disabled vehicle. A total of five people were injured as a result of the crash. They were taken to an area hospital for treatment.

It is unclear whether drugs or alcohol played a role in the crash. The crash is currently under investigation. Authorities will determine the factors and the liability in the accident.

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Rear-End Accidents Statistics

A rear-end accident occurs when one vehicle collides with the car immediately in front of it. Because the leading driver cannot usually prevent the collision, a rear-end accident is often (but not always) the fault of the rear position driver.

Rear-end accidents are some of the most common types of car accidents in the state of California. According to the California Highway Patrol (CHP), there were 118,029 drivers involved in rear-end injury car accidents and 405 drivers involved in rear-end collisions with fatalities in 2011.

Some rear-end accidents cause only minor injuries that resolve on their own after a few days of discomfort. More serious accidents can cause severe injuries that can affect a victim for years to come.

Some victims will never fully recover from the injuries they sustain in a rear-end car accident. This is why it is important to seek legal advice from an Orange County car accident lawyer as soon as possible after being involved in any rear-end collision.

Personal Injury Attorney for Victims of Rear-End Crashes in Orange County

Protect your legal rights by consulting with an experienced rear-end accident lawyer as soon as possible. Once your immediate medical needs have been addressed, it is time to begin meeting with lawyers and taking steps to protect your right to compensation.

In addition to compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering, auto accident victims are also entitled to compensation for their property damage. An attorney will advise you what to say and do to protect your right to compensation after an accident.

The best rear-end accident lawyers in California are right here at Arash Law. Our experienced injury attorneys have over twenty years of experience. We have collected over 200 million dollars for our clients. We have helped accident victims in San Francisco, Riverside, San Jose, San Diego, Sacramento, Sherman Oaks, and throughout California. Call Arash Law today at (888) 488-1391 or contact us online to schedule your free no-obligation car accident case review.

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