Two drivers were injured after a two-vehicle traffic collision in Jamestown on early Thursday morning, July 16.
The collision transpired at around 5:45 a.m. A 2001 Chevrolet Blazer and a Ford F-550 pickup collided head-on on O’Byrnes Ferry Road, just north of Shotgun Creek Road, and near the Sierra Conservation Center. The Chevrolet was initially heading northbound on O’Byrnes Ferry Road at about 50 to 55 miles per hour when it crossed over the double-yellow lines and sped up to 65 mph to try to pass a big rig. The Ford F-550 pickup traveling westbound could not avoid the Chevrolet on time, and the two vehicles collided head-on.
The Chevrolet rolled over due to the severity of the impact. The two injured drivers were identified as Jonathan Branaugh, the Chevrolet driver, and Joshua Fernandes, the Ford pickup driver. Both of the drivers were taken to the Memorial Medical Center in Modesto to receive treatment. Alcohol and drugs were not considered as factors in the accident.
Head-On Collision Investigation is Underway
Local authorities are now further investigating the case.
Although head-on collisions only represent around 2% of accidents, it can still be quite devastating as they are responsible for roughly 10% of fatalities in U.S. roadways. These head-on collisions usually occur when a vehicle goes beyond the centerline or median. In this case, the liability goes to the Ford driver.
Authorities are now investigating what caused the Ford driver to cross the double line and hit the victim’s Honda on the opposite lane. Most of the time, head-on collisions are caused by distracted drivers or drivers who suffer from over-fatigue. When facing a head-on collision case, it is vital to have a professional Toulumne County personal injury attorney to help start the investigation process.
Seasoned attorneys have the resources that can help them gather all the evidence they need to prove the driver’s negligence. Lawyers can also re-interview important witnesses, analyze any surveillance video from the crash scene, and obtain phone and texting records of the liable party. Lawyers can also serve a helpful legal guide and protector of their rights for the victim and his family during this vulnerable time.
Tuolumne County Personal Injury Attorney for Victims of Head-On Collisions
The victim may feel overwhelming stress and emotional trauma while recovering from the car accident; after all, the collision may potentially affect all aspects of his life, such as family, work, and finances. While waiting for the investigation results, the victim of the head-on collision has the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit.
While waiting for the results of the official investigation, the victims are encouraged to pursue a personal injury claim with their attorney’s help. Through the personal injury claim, the victim’s family can seek compensation for the damages such as loss of income, emotional distress, and pain and suffering that the accident has caused them.
Attorneys can serve as a compassionate, helpful guide for the grieving family during this difficult time. They will vigorously fight for their client’s rights and best interests while ensuring that the liable party will be held accountable for their negligence.
If you have a nagging suspicion that someone is to blame for your spouse or family member’s death or injury, contact Arash Law. We have the resources you need to pursue justice for wrongful death and the experience to ensure fair compensation. We’re conveniently located throughout California, with offices in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, Riverside, Orange County, and San Diego, and are happy to visit you. Call (888) 488-1391 for a FREE Consultation with a California injury attorney.