[01-18-2023] Orange County, CA – Two-Vehicle Collision in Rancho Santa Margarita Injures Two People

01-18-2023-Two-Vehicle-Collision-in-Rancho-Santa-Margarita-Injures-Two-People-IITwo people, including a sheriff’s deputy, were injured in a two-vehicle collision in Rancho Santa Margarita on Wednesday evening, January 18, 2023.

According to the California Highway Patrol, the crash occurred around 10:30 p.m. near the Avenida Empresa and Avenida de las Banderas intersection.

The vehicles involved were a pickup truck with damage on its rear end and a patrol SUV of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department with damage on its front end. The exact cause of the collision remains unknown.

The deputy and a passenger in the pickup both sustained minor injuries from the crash. They were reportedly not transported to the hospital. It is unknown how many people were involved.
The CHP was still looking into the collision, including whether speeding, alcohol, or drug played a role.

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Two-Vehicle Accident Statistics

One person is killed and ten more are injured in car accidents per minute in the United States, according to government statistics. About two million children and young adults under the age of 24 die each year from such preventable causes, and another ten million sustain preventable injuries.

By the year 2050, it is projected that roughly 10,000 Californians will have lost their lives in traffic-related incidents. The thought that these figures would only rise further in the future is depressing.

Since 2012, the annual rate of growth in fatalities from automotive accidents has been 23.5%. In 2017, automobile accidents were responsible for the deaths of 3,898 persons and the injuries of 279,223. Nine people per one hundred thousand perished while taking public transit that year.

Virtually every California motorist has a terrible tale to tell about a near miss. The risk of being in a car accident can be reduced by using defensive driving techniques, such as keeping a safe distance from other vehicles and keeping your vehicle always well-maintained.

Car Accident Lawyers in Orange County

Anyone hurt in an automobile accident in the Golden State can file a civil suit to seek compensation. If you need legal help with an insurance claim, don’t hesitate to contact our reputable law firm.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in an auto accident, and you are thinking about filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim, you should call our office immediately away to set up a free consultation with one of our highly regarded attorneys.

Our trusted car accident lawyers in Orange County have the recognition, vast experience, and expertise to advocate properly for accident victims. Our clients have been awarded compensation totaling $500 million as yet.

Contact (888) 488-1391 or click the “Do I Have a Case?” on our website to schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers.

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