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Arash Law Answers

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Arash Law Answers is an ongoing video series in which our award-winning trial attorneys share insights into personal injury law practice. Our goal is to help people easily understand complicated legal issues.


When you file a personal injury claim, you’re now making an impact against these insurance companies – so that they can’t get away with allowing another injured person on the street and then having no accountability.
At Arash Law, one of our biggest core values is compassion and respect. We’re focusing on our client’s mental health through the process of dealing with lawsuits which are very stressful to deal with.
A lot of younger people are reluctant to hire an attorney when they are involved in any type of injury-invoking event. One of the biggest reasons is because they don’t understand that they are not actually paying out of pocket when they hire a personal injury lawyer from the law offices of Arash Khorsandi.
The importance of hiring the right lawyer is crucial. The reason for that is insurance companies look at the lawyer you hire, and if you hire a lawyer who everybody hires or just some random attorney, they know what they know that he won’t go to trial.
The biggest difference between hiring a lawyer and handling a claim by yourself is stress. A personal injury lawyer is meant to alleviate some of that stress for you so you can focus on getting better and healing and focusing on your real life.
It’s always crucial to have a lawyer no matter how small your incident seems, so what could seem very small could seem like a minor impact could change, your injuries can change.
A lot of people have questions about what UM or UIM insurance is, and it’s really quite simple. It’s insurance that you get yourself through your own carrier, and the purpose of it is if you get in a car accident and somebody else is involved, but that person says – doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have very much insurance.
I think Arash Law is different from other firms because we play chess, not checkers. And I think behind every move that we make, there’s a strategy.
Arash Law excels on cases that other firms have turned down because we’ve managed to become experts on winning those tough liability cases.

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