One person was seriously injured after getting shot 60 times in Elk Grove on Friday night, March 25, 2022.
The incident happened near the 1300 block of Hood Franklin Road in Hood, just southwest of Elk Grove, at approximately 11:30 p.m.
The victim was driving along the road when another vehicle pulled up next to him and forced him to pull over.
Once the victim pulled over, the suspect began shooting the victim several times in his Land Rover. The suspect reportedly fired 60 rounds at the victim’s SUV, hitting the driver twice.
The victim attempted to crawl over the passenger side and exited out of the passenger side door before escaping into the field.
The SUV driver was the only person in the vehicle. He was hit in the stomach and the lower back. He was taken to a nearby hospital right away for help.
The case is being looked into even more by the local authorities. Call the Sheriff’s Office at (916) 874-5115 or Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers at (916) 443-HELP if you know more about the crash.
Road Rage Statistics
As a road rage accident lawyer in California, I know that road rage is a big problem. Millions of drivers get into fights on the country’s roads every year. These accidents can be very bad, leading to death or many injuries.
About 80% of U.S. drivers said they had been very angry and aggressive or done something like that last year. This is based on the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Frighteningly, about eight million people got out of their cars, fought with other people, or drove into other cars.
Road rage hurt 12,610 people and killed 218 people in the U.S. over seven years, according to SafeMotorist.
From 2016 to 2019, about one-third of road rage incidents involving guns led to injuries or death. Between 2020 and 2021, about half of these incidents took place.
Sacramento County Personal Injury Attorneys for Road Rage Victims
If you were hurt or lost something because of a driver who was acting irresponsibly, you may be able to get money for your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
A personal injury lawyer may be able to help you hold the person responsible for their actions and get money for your losses.
An accident lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and help you with insurance company talks.
Arash Law’s experienced Sacramento County personal injury accident attorneys have handled many auto accident cases. Only if we win your case will you be charged attorney fees. All personal injury and wrongful death cases are handled on a contingency-fee-basis. That is, we are only compensated if you receive results. Please call (888) 488-1391 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.