One unidentified person was injured after getting shot in a road rage incident in Sylmar on Wednesday night, January 26, 2022.
The incident happened on the 5 Freeway in Sylmar. The victim was driving a Honda Civic northbound near Roxford Street when a driver in a black sedan struck him.
The victim sustained serious injuries to his face and his jaw. He then crashed into another vehicle before he pulled over the side of the freeway.
It’s unclear why the other driver shot the victim, but authorities suspect that road rage may have been a factor. The gunman did not stop to help the victim and drove away from the scene at high speeds.
Local authorities are further investigating the incident.
Road Rage Statistics
Road rage incidents are rather common in California. Drivers who feel annoyed begin to drive aggressively. Road ragers are a severe problem since they put other drivers and themselves in danger of serious accidents.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 80% of American motorists reported experiencing road rage in the previous year. Around eight million persons engaged in serious road rage activities, such as challenging other drivers or crashing into other vehicles.
At least 300 individuals have died due to road rage since 2013. Every year, approximately 30 individuals are killed due to road rage in the United States. According to the American Automobile Association, more than 12,500 individuals have been injured in car accidents due to driver violence since 2007. (AAA).
Road rage includes aggressive driving, vehicle assault, obnoxious gestures, verbal insults, threatening actions, and actual violence.
Road rage is illegal and dangerous in California, regardless of the cause or the specifics of the scenario. In California, the law prohibiting road rage is unambiguous, and anyone found in violation faces having their driver’s license suspended.
Los Angeles County Personal Injury Lawyers for Road Rage Victims
Road rage can have disastrous consequences. It’s better to keep your cool and your thoughts concentrated while driving. Anger is an issue for some drivers, and it can have disastrous consequences.
If a deadly road rage accident kills a loved one, you have the legal right to hold the perpetrator accountable. A wrongful death claim must be filed within two years of the date of the accident.
As a result, attorneys are well-versed in insurance companies’ techniques for reducing your settlement. You might seek the advice of an attorney to avoid accepting an unfair settlement from an insurance company.
When a loved one is killed in a car accident, our caring and professional Los Angeles County personal injury lawyers are here to help. Arash Law has recovered more than $500 million for previous clients, which has aided clients like you. Call Arash Law at (888) 488-1391 or fill out our online contact form for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.