Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyers
We’ll tell you if you have a case or not, call (888) 488-1391 — We’re here 24 hours a day.
- What to do After a Truck Accident
- What Causes Truck Accidents?
- Skilled Truck Crash Lawyers Can Determine Liability
- After the Accident: Advice from Experienced Truck Crash Lawyer
- How Truck Accident Attorneys in Can Help You Obtain Compensation
- Truck Crash Lawyers in Bakersfield Can Help You Seek Damages
- Your Truck Crash Lawyers Can Help You Think of Other Expenses You Might Be Forgetting:
Record-breaking Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyers
Call (888) 488-1391 to discuss your truck accident case today.
Accidents involving massive trucks are typically one of the worst types of accidents to be in. Due to their size and weight, these trucks can cause significant property damage, injuries, and even death. Suppose you or someone you love was injured or killed in a truck accident. In that case, it’s essential to legally have representation from our trusted Bakersfield truck crash lawyers.
We will fight for your rights while you focus on recovering from your injuries or grieving the loss of your loved one. Being the largest city in Kern County, Bakersfield is located at the center of an important interstate highway system and spans nearly 150 square miles. Its ample freeways give way for about 65% of truck traffic in the county, causing its accident rates to skyrocket. The law entitles you to full and fair compensation from a negligent party for all the losses you have sustained as the result of any type of personal injury.
A variety of factors lead to large truck accidents. Often professional truck drivers feel pressure to make their deliveries as quickly as possible, and they must operate under strict deadlines. This causes them to cut corners when it comes to federal regulations and safety. A fatigued or careless truck driver behind the wheel of a vehicle that weighs 20 times more than the other vehicles on the road is a recipe for disaster.
However, truck drivers aren’t the only cause of accidents. Trucking companies sometimes cut corners themselves and fail to perform routine inspections and regular maintenance on their fleet. They don’t comply with federal laws regarding their trucks, putting trucks on the road with inadequate tires, poorly functioning lights, and faulty brakes.
Many other factors contribute to large truck or bus accidents. Experienced Bakersfield truck crash lawyers can investigate your accident to determine which party or parties might be liable.
Commercial Truck
Verdict for a client who was sideswiped by a commercial truck.– JUDD ROSS ALLEN
What to do After a Truck Accident in Bakersfield
Any motor vehicle accident can leave those involved in shock and unsure of what to do. However, what you do within the first hours and days of your accident can significantly impact your health and legal case. Here’s what to do if you are involved in a large truck or bus accident:
You and your family might be eligible to receive financial compensation for the resulting injuries and damages. However, there are specific facts that must be proven. The victim must prove that their injury was a direct result of the accident. Evidence that the truck driver or trucking company was negligent in causing the crash must also be produced.
Large and Commercial Truck Accident Statistics
- In 2019, 4,119 people lost their lives in large truck crashes
- Sixteen percent of the deaths were truck occupants, 67 percent were occupants of passenger vehicles, and 15 percent were motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
- There was a 31 percent increase in deaths from truck crashes between 2009 and 2019, despite advances in technology and safety
- In 2009, truck accident fatalities were the lowest they had been since the collection of fatal crash data began in 1975
- Truck occupant fatalities were 51 percent higher in 2019 than in 2009
- In 2019, 47 percent of fatal truck accidents were rollover accidents
- It's estimated that 600 large truck crashes that same year involved a driver who had been drinking, 16 of them with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level greater than 0.08—the legal limit in most states
In fact, California has one of the highest rates of truck accidents. In 2019, there were 3,316 fatal crashes resulting in 3,606 deaths. There were 320 fatal large truck crashes, and occupants of large trucks accounted for 44 of those fatalities.
What Makes Semi-Trucks Dangerous?
More often than not, those who survive semi-truck accidents incur catastrophic injuries. Why are there injuries typically worse than those in a passenger vehicle collision? Semi-trucks have many characteristics that make them more dangerous on the road. These include:
What Causes Truck Accidents?
A large truck’s size and speed are a deadly combination for smaller vehicles. Keep in mind that a fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, compared to the 4,000 pounds of an average mid-size sedan. Even if an accident between a passenger vehicle and a large truck occurs at slow speeds, incredible damage can still result. Those who choose a truck driving career need extra training and diligence to keep everyone safe on the road.
Unfortunately, not all truck drivers receive the training they are supposed to. Some don’t adhere to federal rules and restrictions. Many accidents are the result of their carelessness or negligence. Numerous causes can lead to such an accident, including:
- Driver fatigue
- Driver distraction
- Speeding
- Substance abuse
- Improper loading
- Improper maintenance and inspection
Bakersfield truck crash attorneys from Arash Law led by Arash Khorsandi, Esq. can hold semi-truck drivers liable for their actions when a truck accident is caused by their negligence or carelessness. They work with experts in the industry to determine what caused a truck accident and who should be held accountable for the ensuing damages.
Bakersfield truck crash lawyers can also help you find out if you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver, the trucking company, the vehicle or parts manufacturer, or other parties. If you can, your Bakersfield truck crash lawyers can estimate the amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Skilled Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyers Can Determine Liability
It’s not always apparent at first who caused a truck accident. Often, they require a complete investigation to determine the cause. When you contact our firm’s Bakersfield truck crash lawyers, we will get the accident records. We will also work to obtain:
- Black box or engine control module data (shows truck driver action immediately before a crash)
- The trucking company’s inspection reports and compliance with regulations
- The driver’s logbooks
- GPS data from the truck
Our Bakersfield truck crash lawyers also analyze forensic evidence that can give clues as to the cause of the crash. This type of evidence includes skid marks on the road, points of impact, and the road’s curvature. It’s common for insurance companies to send their representatives directly to the scene of an accident to make their own reports and determinations for the cause of the crash.
However, insurance companies are usually only interested in decreasing their insured’s negligence or claiming that they weren’t negligent at all. When you hire our dedicated Bakersfield truck accident lawyers, you’ll have not only an attorney on your side but also investigators who can perform a thorough and fair review of the collision.
Trucking Accident
Paz v. Airfax Logistics (settled on 5/26/2020) – settlement in a case involving a client who was involved in a trucking accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury and other trauma.– TINA ESHGHIEH
After the Accident: Advice from Experienced Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyer
It’s normal to feel scared and traumatized, as well as be in pain immediately after a truck accident. Victims may feel confused or panicked. Here’s what you should do:
Health and safety are always the priority. If you can, move your vehicle out of traffic lanes and into a safe spot. Call 911 to have them send police and paramedics. When the emergency responders arrive, they can provide medical help and also advise as to whether you should ride in the ambulance to the emergency room.
If you don’t get in the ambulance, be sure to remain at the scene until the responding officers give you the okay to leave. If you didn’t take the ambulance, go directly to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Explain to the providers that you were in a semi-truck collision and need to be checked for any related injuries. If you have injuries, the medical providers will diagnose them and create an individualized treatment plan.
Some accident victims don’t feel like they have injuries or that their injuries are serious after an accident. These include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), like concussions, and other serious injuries, such as fractures. Keep in mind that even a mild TBI can have long-lasting and significant effects on someone’s life.
It’s common for broken bones to be written off as a bruise or a sprain. You might think it just needs a few days to heal and delay seeing a doctor. However, this isn’t a good idea. If you have a broken bone, it could start to heal incorrectly and require a doctor to reset it. Even though broken bones are common, people often need casting, surgery, and even physical therapy to recover.
Second, if you are still at the accident scene, begin to collect the information you will need later. Get the names, insurance, and contact info, and make and model of the vehicle for all other drivers involved in the accident. Talk to the law enforcement officers about how the accident occurred from your perspective. They can provide you with a preliminary crash report.
Later, when the full report is ready, you can obtain it from their office. If you have a smartphone with you, take numerous pictures of the accident scene. Include all vehicles involved from different angles, the scene, and other images that might show how the accident occurred, such as skid marks, trees, construction, or broken barriers. You should also photograph your injuries as the size, extent, and nature of your injuries can help determine how the accident happened.
Lastly, save all records about the accident, for example, the accident report and insurance documentation. You will also need your medical records pertaining to your injuries and treatment. Then reach out to skilled Bakersfield truck accident lawyers who can guide you through the next steps and determine if you have a valid claim.
How Truck Accident Attorneys in Bakersfield Can Help You Obtain Compensation
An Insurance Claim
Your first option is to file a third-party insurance claim with the at-fault party's insurance carrier. It's common for truck accident victims to handle their claims this way, but it does have downsides. First, you may not know who the at-fault party is unless you've read the police reports. Second, suppose there were multiple at-fault parties, which sometimes happens.
In that case, all will have separate insurance policies with their own limits and provisions, likely with different insurance companies. Truck accident claims can quickly become confusing when this happens, which is just one reason why it's a good idea to have Bakersfield truck crash lawyers on your side.
An even bigger problem with third-party insurance companies is that they do a great job of being aggressive and minimizing or denying claims altogether. You aren't their insured, and they want to save as much money as possible. The best way for them to do that is to make it seem like you were at fault for the accident or that your injuries aren't that bad.
Sometimes, they will use victims' desperation to pay their medical or other bills to their advantage by offering a quick but small and unfair settlement. Since the victim needs the money now, they bank on the victim choosing a quick settlement over pursuing fair compensation. They might also drag out the claims process in hopes that you will give up and move on.
A California Truck Accident Lawsuit
Your second option is to file a California truck accident lawsuit in civil court. For some victims, this will be their first step. In other cases, a Bakersfield truck crash lawyer may file suit because the insurance company won't settle for full and fair compensation.
A judge and jury will hear your truck accident case. Most of the time, a jury examines the evidence to determine whether an at-fault party should pay claims and, if so, how much they should pay for their liability.
Truck Crash Lawyers in Bakersfield Can Help You Seek Damages
Damages are the amount of money you seek based on your accident-related bills and expenses, as well as the injuries and other ways you have suffered. Most large truck accident victims seek monetary recovery for:
Medical Expenses
Include your medical and related expenses, both already incurred and expected in the future you're your damages request. Be sure to include:
- Doctor's visits
- Emergency care
- Hospitalization
- Surgery
- Rehabilitative therapy, such as physical therapy
- Prescription medication
- Medical and assistive devices
- Home health aides to assist
- Retrofitting your home, such as the necessary construction of a wheelchair ramp
Your Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyers Can Help You Think of Other Expenses You Might Be Forgetting:
You can seek compensation for past and future income lost from work. This can be income lost due to the crash itself or the time you need to recover and heal or attend related medical appointments.
Sometimes injuries sustained in a large truck accident are severe enough that you can't return to work at all or can't work in your line of work. In that case, you can ask for compensation for your expected lifetime earnings. Your Bakersfield truck accident lawyers can use economic experts to help determine how much you should request.
You have a right to seek compensation for whatever property was damaged or lost in the accident. This could be your vehicle, your wedding ring, a bicycle, or anything else of value.
Since truck accidents can cause catastrophic injuries, you deserve recovery for your pain, suffering, mental anguish, and the loss of enjoyment of life if you are unable to do things you once enjoyed.
You can also pursue damages on behalf of your spouse if the truck crash impacted your marriage or rendered you unable to maintain intimate relationships. You may also be entitled to additional types of damages. When you review your case with Bakersfield truck crash lawyers, they can help ensure that you ask for compensation for all reasonable expenses and losses.
Your Trusted Bakersfield Truck Crash Lawyers
Although its population topped the 300,000 mark in the 2020 census, Bakersfield is still a relatively small community, and it can be challenging to find an accident law firm with extensive experience with a proven track record in this particular practice area. Our dedicated personal injury attorneys at Arash Law managed by Arash Khorsandi have recovered over $500 million in compensation for our previous personal injury clients.
Many of them are victims of truck accidents who sustained catastrophic injuries. We’ve been helping clients just like you for over two decades. We work with personal injury clients in San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Sacramento, Sherman Oaks, Riverside, and throughout California. Our multilingual staff members are ready to help our clients who don’t speak English.
Call our Bakersfield personal injury lawyers today at (888) 488-1391 or use the online form to book a free truck accident case review. With our No Win, No Fee Guarantee, you owe us nothing unless we settle your case against the parties who caused your damages or you receive a court award. You have nothing to lose—call to schedule your consultation today.