[11-13-2024] Stanislaus County, CA – Possible Minor Injury Reported After Big Rig Vs. Vehicle Collision Near Keyes

[11-13-2024] Possible Minor Injury Reported After Big Rig Vs. Vehicle Collision Near KeyesA crash involving a big rig and another vehicle was reported east of Keyes in Stanislaus County on Wednesday morning, November 13, 2024.

According to California Highway Patrol logs, officers were dispatched at approximately 7:43 a.m. to East Keyes and Mountain View roads.

The cause of the crash remains unclear, but a possible minor injury was reported via dispatcher radio communications.

The investigation is ongoing.

Call Our Dedicated Truck Accident Attorneys In Stanislaus County

We know how overwhelming a truck accident can be—it can affect you physically, emotionally, and financially. Our dedicated truck accident lawyers are here to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve. With decades of experience and a long list of success stories, our law firm, under the direction of Arash Khorsandi, Esq., will successfully represent you and your family in a truck accident claim.

You can rely on our skilled Stanislaus County truck accident lawyers to help you with your insurance claim. Arash Law has recovered over $500 million for clients and is widely acknowledged for its success and credibility as one of California’s most recognized personal injury law firms.

If you want to speak with one of our personal injury lawyers, please call (888) 488-1391 or fill out the “Do I Have a Case?” form.

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What To Do After A Truck Accident In Stanislaus County

A truck accident will leave you terrified and shocked. Still, here are some crucial steps to take to help your Stanislaus County truck accident lawyers build a strong case for you.

  1. If possible, move your vehicle to the side of the road. Turn off the engine and activate your hazard lights. This minimizes the risk of another accident.
  2. Examine yourself for injuries. Adrenaline can conceal pain and other symptoms. Check for injuries on yourself and other people involved. Ask everyone if and where they’re hurt. Remember, head trauma can result in confusion, dizziness, and a loss of coordination.
  3. Dial 911 immediately. Inform them of the severity of the accident, the number of vehicles involved, and your location. If you suspect serious injuries, request an ambulance.
  4. Don’t negotiate with the at-fault party without consulting an attorney. This can make things difficult for your lawyer later.
  5. Keep track of the evidence by taking pictures and videos of the scene if you can. Write down the phone numbers of any witnesses willing to help. Get the other driver’s license, registration, and insurance information. Taking notes at the scene will help your lawyer confirm the facts.
  6. Get medical assistance right away. Even the best truck accident lawyers will tell you to get checked out by paramedics at the scene and again a few days later. Compiled medical records are very helpful in your case.
  7. Contact your insurance provider. Inform your insurance company about the accident so they can assist you with obtaining a rental or replacing your vehicle.
  8. Call Arash Law. Our truck accident attorneys in Stanislaus County can help you navigate the process, understand your options, and choose the best action. Contact us at (888) 488-1391 to determine if you have a valid claim.


Truck Accidents Statistics

According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, in 2022, a total of 4,764 people lost their lives in crashes involving large trucks. Of these fatalities, 17% were truck occupants, 66% were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 16% were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.

The number of deaths in large truck crashes increased by 51% compared to 2009, which had the lowest fatality count since data collection began in 1975. Additionally, the number of truck occupants who died in 2022 was 83% higher than in 2009.

Our Stanislaus County attorneys have remained dedicated to helping victims cope with the challenges of truck accidents. Moreover, our team participates in government initiatives aimed at addressing relevant issues. We stand by our commitment to contributing to the welfare of the communities in Stanislaus County and the rest of California.

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