Table of Contents
The Assorted Degrees of Traumatic Brain Injuries
You may be searching for brain injury support and resources but have no idea where to find the information you need. Brain injuries may affect the scalp, skull, and brain. Traumatic brain injuries are all different, and the circumstances giving rise to the injury can determine its severity.
The various grades of traumatic brain injuries are discussed below. Contact our record-setting traumatic brain injury attorneys at (888) 488-1391 to schedule a free consultation.
Insurance adjusters and physicians use the terms discussed below when they are working with someone who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. If you were involved in a serious accident and suffered a brain injury, you need to retain legal representation so you can obtain the financial compensation you deserve.
Brain injuries can damage you physically, emotionally, and financially. Our firm’s attorneys have experience handling brain injury cases. Contact us today to learn more about the legal services available to you and your loved ones.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries occur after birth and are not congenital or caused by trauma during childbirth. Neurons in the brain are altered by traumatic brain injuries. Many individuals who suffer traumatic brain injuries experience physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms. An injured victim’s ability to function in everyday life can be severely impaired by a traumatic brain injury.
The two main categories of brain injuries are traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries are most often caused by physical force. A traumatic brain injury is characterized by changes in brain activity and other signs of degeneration. Traumatic brain injuries are either open or closed.
Individuals who are exposed to toxins, or lack sufficient oxygen, may experience a non-traumatic brain injury. Nearly all non-traumatic brain injuries arise due to internal changes in the body. What follows are some of the most common causes of brain injuries.
Traumatic Brain Injury Causes
- Military combat injuries
- Domestic violence injuries
- Childhood abuse
- Work injuries
- Shaken baby syndrome
- Slip and fall injuries
- Violent assaults
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Recreational sports injuries
- Gunshot wounds
Non-Traumatic Brain Injury Causes
- Drug overdose
- Oxygen deprivation
- Neurotoxic poisoning
- Metabolic disorders
- Electric shock
- Seizure
- Encephalitis
- Tumors
- Stroke
- Infectious disease
- Meningitis
Comprehending Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries and non-traumatic brain injuries are defined by the circumstances and conditions that give rise to the symptoms associated with each type of injury. All types of brain injuries may be further divided into severe, moderate, or mild injuries. The first cause of the injury typically determines if the brain injury will be severe, moderate, or mild.
Brain injuries may also be described as penetrating or diffuse. Some frequently used terms used to describe brain injuries are discussed below.
Closed Head Injuries – Injuries caused by external forces with no puncturing of the skull are closed head injuries. The brain increases in volume during a closed head injury. Pressure in the skull increases and may cause hemorrhaging. The increase in pressure may expand through orifices in the skull.
If the pressure rises to a substantial degree in the skull, the brain may expand through the eye sockets. The increased pressure in the eye sockets may damage the nerves connected to the eyes. An individual who suffers this type of damage may experience dilated pupils and impaired vision. Medical professionals may examine a patient’s skull to determine if the individual exhibits symptoms of a closed head injury.
Open Head Injuries – Open head injuries are also termed penetrating head injuries. An open head injury is characterized by the puncturing of the skull. Small objects may breach the skull and cause open head injuries. Also, automobile accidents and falls may cause open head injuries. Fragments of the skull may also penetrate the brain during serious open head injuries.
Locked-In Syndrome – Individuals who suffer from locked-in syndrome are unable to use any part of the body except the eyes. Injured victims who suffer head injuries may exhibit locked-in syndrome. The victim may experience conscious thought and move their eyes.
Head Trauma Caused By Abuse (Shaken Infant Syndrome) – Shaken infant syndrome, also termed abusive head trauma, is a violent motion that causes an infant to suffer a traumatic brain injury. An adult who violently shakes a baby or young child can cause irreparable brain damage to the infant. The back-and-forth motion suffered by the infant causes traumatic brain injury.
During this injury, the blood vessels between the skull and brain rupture. Blood collects and compresses brain tissue as the brain expands. Neurons and other cells in the brain are damaged during this process. Infants who experience abusive head trauma may suffer from coma, permanent disability, and seizures.
Some infants may die from traumatic brain injuries suffered during abusive head trauma. Babies may vomit, refuse to eat, and act in an irritable manner after experiencing abusive head trauma. An infant who exhibits these symptoms requires emergency medical treatment.
Penetrating Injuries – An accident victim may experience a penetrating injury due to a sharp object, knife, or bullet passing through the skull. During penetrating injuries, the skin, hair, or bone may puncture the skull. Physical objects moving through space at a slow speed may penetrate the skull and bounce around inside the skull. An object ricocheting inside the skull may exacerbate the damage suffered by the individual.
Some objects travel at such high rates of speed that they penetrate the skull, pass through the brain, and form an exit wound in the skull. These types of injuries are often termed “through-and-through” traumatic brain injuries. Penetration injuries such as these may stretch and rupture brain tissue.
Second Impact Syndrome – Recurrent traumatic brain injuries, or second impact syndrome, happen when an individual suffers a second traumatic brain injury before the first traumatic brain injury has resolved. Most second traumatic brain injuries that cause second impact syndrome occur days or weeks after the first traumatic brain injury. Individuals who suffer from second impact syndrome do not have to lose consciousness. Second traumatic brain injuries can cause more severe injuries such as significant brain swelling and permanent brain damage.
Second impact syndrome may cause death. The individual suffering from second impact syndrome must receive medical attention as soon as possible after the second traumatic brain injury. If an individual suffers from a second traumatic brain injury, they may experience varying symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, visual hallucinations, muscle spasms, and swift emotional alterations.
Coup-Contrecoup Injuries – Contusions on the injury site and the opposite side of the brain are known as coup-contrecoup injuries. During these injuries, the brain strikes the opposite side of the skull after the force that causes the injury creates an initial contusion.
Contusions – A sudden force to the head that causes bruising or bleeding on the brain is a contusion. Sudden impacts to the head may cause contusions. If a contusion is significantly large, it may need to be removed using surgical procedures.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries or Concussions – Concussions may result from motor vehicle accidents, violent head shakes, firearm wounds, and sudden impacts to the head. A concussion may arise after a victim suffers an open head injury or closed head injury. The majority of traumatic brain injuries are concussions.
Extreme movement changes, sudden momentum, and strong impacts may all cause concussions. When an individual suffers a concussion, the cranial nerves suffer damage, and the brain itself may stretch. Some individuals who suffer concussions may lose consciousness for a brief moment. If an individual does not lose consciousness, they may feel confused, dazed, or dizzy.
Diagnostic imaging tests such as CAT scans and MRI scans may sometimes detect concussions. Also, many individuals who suffer concussions may experience swelling or bleeding of the brain. Skull fractures may also accompany concussions. Severe concussions may cause temporary or permanent brain damage. Many concussions may require months or years to heal.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries – Sudden rotation or shaking of the head may cause diffuse axonal injuries. Motor vehicle accidents quite often cause diffuse axonal injuries. These injuries occur because the skull is set in motion while the brain is delayed in its movement.
Physical structures in the brain suffer damage during diffuse axonal injuries. Nerve tissues often rip and tear during diffuse axonal injuries. Chemicals can be released into the brain during this process and intensify injuries.
The majority of the brain’s communication processes suffer damage during diffuse axonal injuries. Death, coma, or permanent brain damage are the possible outcomes of diffuse axonal injuries. Brain tearing can cause many different types of symptoms that can be signs of diffuse axonal injuries.
The Primary Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
The most common causes of any type of traumatic brain injury are motor vehicle accidents and falls. The brain makes contact with the skull when an individual receives a forceful impact to the head. Severe brain damage may result during a traumatic brain injury. What follows are the four primary types of traumatic brain injuries.
Concussions – Minor brain injuries caused by sudden alterations in movement, head impacts, or violent shaking are termed concussions. Imaging scans do not detect all concussions. However, all symptoms of concussions should be treated seriously.
Disorientation, loss of memory, impaired focus, and headaches are all signs associated with concussions. If multiple concussions occur to one person within a short period of time, the individual may develop more severe symptoms. Second impact syndrome can arise if an individual suffers from a second concussion before healing from an initial concussion.
Brain Contusions – Bruising of the brain tissue caused by an injury is a brain contusion. Small blood vessels in the brain that leak and break cause these contusions to appear. Contusions may cause the skin to appear blue. Pressure builds in the brain when contusions occur and can cause many physical and mental problems.
Forceful impacts to the head may cause contusions. An injured victim may strike their head against a steering wheel during a motor vehicle accident, causing the victim to suffer a contusion. Slip and fall accidents may result in an injured person striking their head on the ground. Sports accidents may also cause contusions.
The place of impact can be severe enough for the brain to suffer direct injury beneath the point of impact. The brain may also suffer an injury on the opposite side from the impact site as the brain jostles inside the skull. Coup and contrecoup injuries describe the effects of these different injuries.
Injured victims may suffer minor or severe brain contusions. The most serious brain contusions may cause victims to lose consciousness and experience fatigue, confusion, and emotional distress. Brain swelling also typically occurs when an individual suffers a severe brain contusion. An individual suffering this type of injury may also experience impaired oxygenation.
Penetrating Brain Injuries – A penetrating brain injury results when a solid object punctures the skull. The object that punctures the skull may make contact with the brain. Hair, skin, and fragments of the skull may also puncture the brain during a penetrating brain injury. A large part of the brain can suffer serious injury if these objects make contact with the brain. Slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle accidents, and gunshot wounds may all cause penetrating brain injuries.
Anoxic Brain Injuries – Anoxic brain injuries happen if the brain lacks adequate amounts of oxygen. The brain cannot function without enough oxygen. Brain cells die, and brain injury is irreversible if the brain lacks oxygen for only five minutes. Blood transports oxygen to the brain, and many anoxic brain injuries occur when an injury impedes the flow of blood in the body.
Trauma, cardiac arrest, stroke, and blood clots may impede blood flow in the body. The blood may also not be carrying enough oxygen to the brain. Any chemical or injury that stops the lungs from bringing in an adequate amount of oxygen may cause anoxic brain injury. Poisoning, drowning, and suffocation may cause oxygen deprivation in the body.
Other Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Diffuse Axonal Injuries – Diffuse axonal injuries are an effect of the brain moving inside the skull, but these injuries are much more severe than concussions. The connections between the spinal cord and the brain rupture during diffuse axonal injuries. A violent movement of the skull can damage the brain stem during a diffuse axonal injury. The ruptures and tears may be large or microscopic, but any tear is capable of causing brain damage.
If a tear is exceptionally large and extensive, the injured victim may experience permanent brain damage and even death. Every diffuse axonal injury is different because every injury will damage different parts of the brain. Diffuse axonal injuries may also occur simultaneously with contusions and concussions.
Hypoxic Brain Injuries – If the brain is deprived of oxygen for an extended period of time, this deprivation may cause a hypoxic brain injury. Poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, and cardiac arrest may all reduce oxygen to the lungs and blood to the brain. Stagnant hypoxia, or ischemic insult, is a version of hypoxic brain injury.
Arash law founded by Arash Khorsandi, Esq. can help you if you have suffered a traumatic brain injury. If you are searching for an attorney to represent you or your loved one, contact a firm today to schedule a free consultation. Call the office at (888) 488-1391 to learn more about the legal services we offer. We have collected over 400 million dollars for clients across the state.
Second Impact Syndrome – One of the worst forms of traumatic injury occurs when an individual suffers a second brain injury before an initial brain injury has fully healed. Severe brain damage can occur when an individual suffers two traumatic brain injuries in quick succession. Second impact syndrome is sometimes termed a recurrent traumatic brain injury.
The severity of the first injury will often determine the severity of the symptoms in a patient. Although an injured victim may not lose consciousness during the second traumatic brain injury, an individual is more likely to suffer extensive brain damage after a second brain injury.
Every injury victim who suffers an impact to the head in the months or weeks after an initial brain injury should seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms associated with second impact syndrome may not be discernible soon after the second injury. These symptoms may take time to become noticeable to the injured victim.
The Degrees of Injuries Related to Various Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Mild, moderate, and severe are the three primary levels of traumatic brain injuries.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries – Mild traumatic brain injuries often occur when an individual loses consciousness for only a few minutes. Some injured victims may lose consciousness for less than a minute. Some victims of mild traumatic brain injuries may appear dizzy or intoxicated.
Some tests may not reveal that the brain suffered any physical injury during a mild traumatic brain injury. Physicians and other medical professionals will examine an individual’s appearance and gait when determining if an individual suffered brain damage or a concussion.
Moderate Traumatic Brain Injuries – Confusion lasting weeks and losing consciousness for hours are hallmark signs of a moderate traumatic brain injury. Symptoms and physical disabilities may last for weeks or months when an individual suffers a moderate traumatic brain injury. In some cases, the damage caused by a moderate traumatic brain injury can be permanent.
Behavioral abnormalities, cognitive damage, and physical disability can all arise after a moderate traumatic brain injury. Physical rehabilitation programs and treatment facilities can help patients recover from their injuries.
Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries – Catastrophic traumatic brain injuries often arise due to powerful blows to the head and forces that puncture the brain and skull. Severe traumatic brain injuries can cause serious bodily injury and death. Injured victims often face irreparable injuries that cause permanent disability. Open head injuries cause the most damage when the skull and brain are physically damaged.
Long-term consequences, physical rehabilitation, and counseling may be necessary after an individual suffers a traumatic brain injury. Our brain injury lawyers at our California injury law firm are here to assist you with your legal needs. We understand the tactics insurance companies employ to lower the amount they have to pay injured victims. Our attorneys work night and day to challenge the insurance companies.
Arash Law led by Arash Khorsandi, Esq. has handled various kinds of brain injury cases. We have recovered over $500 million for our clients. If you need help finding brain injury resources and support, contact us today at (888) 488-1391 to schedule a free consultation.
The Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Serious symptoms can become immediately evident after an individual suffers a traumatic brain injury. It is possible for an individual to die as the result of a traumatic brain injury. Many individuals who experience traumatic brain injuries suffer from long-term effects. A patient may continue to suffer both physical and mental symptoms long after medical treatment has concluded.
These consequences associated with traumatic brain injuries include dizziness, fatigue, anger, and emotional volatility. Traumatic brain injuries can cause personality changes and altered mental states. Many individuals who experience traumatic brain injuries suffer from various kinds of impairment for many years after the date of the injury. Some individuals may experience speech impediments, memory loss, psychological distress, and cognitive problems.
One of the most serious consequences associated with traumatic brain injuries is permanent damage to the structure of the brain. Brain tissue is sensitive, and it is difficult to repair this tissue once it is damaged. Individuals may have to deal with the effects of permanent brain damage for the remainder of their lives. However, the situation is not absolutely hopeless.
Severe traumatic brain injuries do produce debilitating effects, but these can be managed with medication, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. You are not alone, even though you may feel like you will never fully recover from your traumatic brain injury.
The pain and suffering you experience does not have to be a permanent condition of your life. You need an attorney from our reliable California injury law firm on your side to help you obtain the monetary compensation you deserve. You can recover from your injuries while your legal representative fights on your behalf. Arash Khorsandi’s team of brain injury lawyers at Arash Law understand how to stand up to the parties responsible for your injuries.
How Do I Recover From a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Recovering from a traumatic brain injury is a long and difficult journey. It is possible to heal from a traumatic brain injury and have a fulfilling life. The challenges associated with a traumatic brain injury are serious, but many individuals have faced these adversities before. The recovery process may take months or years.
Get in Touch With a California Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Today to Review Your Legal Options
Every traumatic brain injury is unique. Physical rehabilitation, therapy, and specialized medical treatment are often required for long periods of time. Symptoms associated with a traumatic brain injury may not become evident until weeks after the date of the accident. Minor concussions may produce symptoms after a longer period of time has passed.
A healthcare professional should immediately be notified if symptoms arise. An experienced California brain injury attorney can fight for your legal rights and help you obtain the medical treatment you need to recover from a traumatic brain injury. A brain injury attorney focusing on traumatic brain injury law can help you obtain the financial compensation you deserve.
Our legal team also serves clients in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside, Santa Clara, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, San Jose, Fresno, Sherman Oaks, and throughout California. Contact us at (888) 488-1391 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the legal services we offer. Brain injury support and resources in California may come from many different sources.
Injured victims may not be aware of the professional services that are available to individuals who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries. Obtaining medical treatment for a traumatic brain injury is necessary. Understanding the different methods of obtaining professional resources will help injured victims seek treatment and successfully complete recovery. The following steps will aid injured victims who seek support and resources for recovering from traumatic brain injuries in the state of California.
- Create a list of the services a traumatic brain injury victim needs. When initiating contact with a social services agency, use this list to help you obtain the information you need.
- The Brain Injury Association is a great resource for those recovering from a traumatic brain injury. This association has information regarding resources for those who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. You can also find contact information for traumatic brain injury support groups.
- Rehabilitation programs have enormous resources available to them. If you seek a specialized care regimen, the rehabilitation programs can help you get into contact with other service providers.
- CARF Providers in your local area can help you and your loved ones. CARF oversees the accreditation process for rehabilitation programs. These providers will understand traumatic brain injuries and the resources that can help you and your family members.
- Review the collection of professional associations and organizations in your state. These include the American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology, the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.
- Information and Referral agencies will have details regarding support services related to housing and utilities.
- The National Brain Injury Information Center can be reached at 1-800-444-6443.
- Locate an attorney who specializes in finance, civil rights, or personal injury.
Below are the organizations offering services to individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries in the state of California.
- Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
- San Jose, California
- (408) 793-6433
- The Rehabilitation Research Center is a national Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, and it offers outpatient and inpatient services to individuals suffering from traumatic brain injuries.
San Diego Brain Injury Foundation
- San Diego, California
- (619) 294-6541
- The San Diego Brain Injury Foundation is an online resource for brain injury survivors, families, and support communities. The foundation serves all of San Diego County.
- Coastline Community College
- Costa Mesa, California
- (714) 241-6214
- Coastline Community College’s Acquired Brain Injury program is a two-year program offering cognitive retraining for adults who have suffered a brain injury due to a traumatic brain injury or a non-traumatic brain injury.
Brain Injury Association of California
- Bakersfield, California
- (661) 872-4903
- The Brain Injury Association of California provides information, resources, education, advocacy, and support for those affected by brain injuries.
California Department of Rehabilitation
- Sacramento, California
- (916) 263-8981
- The California Department of Rehabilitation provides services to individuals with disabilities, including vocational rehabilitation and an assistive technology loan program. The website also lists all of California’s Independent Living Centers.
- Sacramento, California
- (800) 776-5746
- Disability rights California advocates, educates, investigates, and litigates to advance and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities.
California Caregiver Resource Centers
- (800) 445-8106
- The 11 California Caregiver Resource Centers serve every county in the state and provide assessment, resources, and services to family caregivers of people with brain injuries.
The California Department of Vocational Rehabilitation supports different locations throughout California, offering resources and support to people suffering from brain injuries. Several non-profit support organizations contain important information regarding support groups, resources, and programs.
The California Department of Vocational Rehabilitation supports several locations across the state that offer information and resources for individuals with brain injuries. These resources can be found online at
The California Caregivers Centers ( offer information and resources for people suffering from brain injuries. The eleven center locations across the state are resources for caregivers:
Disability Action Center
- Redding
- (530) 828-1760 or (530) 242-8550
Schurig Center
- Bay Area
- (415) 461-6771
Brain Injury Coalition
- Chico
- (530) 342-3118
Jodi House
- Santa Barbara
- (805) 563-2882
Brain Injury Center of Ventura County
- Ventura County
- (805) 482-1312
The B.R.A.I.N. site
- Anaheim
- (714) 828-1760
St. Jude Brain Injury Network
- Orange County
- (866) 785-8332 or (714) 446-5626
San Diego Brain Injury Foundation
- San Diego
- (619) 294-6541
California Resource Centers
Fighting Medical Insurance Denials
Financial Resources
Legal Resources
Rehabilitation Providers
Trauma Hospitals
Independent Living
Veterans Resources
- Long Beach VA
- Veteran Employment FAQs
Managing Symptoms
Disability Rights
- Disability and Medicare
- Department of Labor Disability Guide
Regional Centers & Service Providers
Safety Resources
- Making Your Home Safe
- Grab Bars: Why and How to Install Them
Children Resources
Miscellaneous Resources
About Brain Injury
Brain Injury Basics
Insurance and Payment