Sunday Was The “Super Bowl” of ALL Accidents

Rise in Drunk Driving-Related Incidents After Super Bowl Sunday

You may just want to stay home after reading this new data analysis on how dangerous it can be driving home after the Super Bowl on Sunday.

In San Diego County alone, after the Super Bowl, drivers are presented with an increased risk of fatalities and injury crashes related to alcohol of 117%. This is in accordance with an analysis by the Auto Club of data from the California Highway Patrol. In Los Angeles, there is a 57% higher risk.

Through statistics, there are typically 18 fatal or injury accidents on a typical Sunday, but during Super Bowl Sunday, this number jumps to 40. The Department of Insurance in California and the California Highway Patrol both have released statements that those leaving their homes for this event should plan ahead and be sure to have a ride home that is sober.

Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest sporting events in the United States, but it, unfortunately, is also one of the most dangerous.

Each person is responsible, and we all should be sure not to contribute to this problem by stopping drivers that are drunk or drugged from driving for this Super Bowl Sunday.

It was thought of by researchers that while the game was on drivers were likely drinking a fair amount, the drivers are likely to be feeling fatigued due to the hour being late, and disappointment, as well as a distraction for drivers that’s team, may have lost, will all factor into the rise in car accidents. Even in fans who were not drinking for the game, they may still pose a risk to both themselves as well as others as they may be driving distracted.

The worst time was the first hour that immediately follows the event, as the accident rate has jumped as high as seventy percent. A drop of ten percent in the rate for accidents occurs during the time for the game itself; this happens likely because of fewer people driving at this time.

The rate increase for car or truck accidents after the Super Bowl is actually even higher than New Year’s Eve for the United States.

BACtrack, a smartphone-enabled breathalyzer, monitored blood alcohol content, or BAC for major holidays and for Super Bowl Sunday an average BAC was 0.91 percent. Other holidays to compare are:

  • New Year’s Eve 0.94%
  • St Patrick’s Day 0.94%
  • Cinco de Mayo 0.9%
  • Valentines Day 0.92%
The percentage of BAC that is the legal limit is 0.08%, but there can be impairment signs seen at levels even lower than this.

The New England Journal of Medicine notes that the most significant number of car accidents and surges in rate occur most in the states of the home team that lost. The numbers increase by 68% after the end of the event in these states, compared to only a 6% rise in the winning team’s state.

  • In states that are neutral, meaning that no team is home to this state, the accidents climb, on average by 46%.
  • From 2009-2013 there were 294 injury and victims of fatal car crashes for Super Bowl Sundays, compared to 166 on a comparable Sunday, without any event.
  • There is a designate a sober driver campaign for the Super Bowl by the NHTSA.
  • There will also be a Tipsy Tow service offered by the Southern California Auto Club that will be free of charge and starts from 6 in the evening on Sunday through 6 am Monday morning.
  • Up to 7 miles will be free of charge with this service, to get this free tow, drivers are able to call 1-800-400-4AAA.
More crashes occur on Super Bowl Sunday than other Sundays. According to the CHP, during the past 5 years:
  • In California, there were 294 fatal and injury crashes on Super Bowl Sundays versus 166 for the comparable other Sundays – or 26 extra per year.
  • In Los Angeles County, there were 77 fatal and injury crashes on Super Bowl Sundays versus 49 on the comparable other Sundays.
  • In San Diego County, there were 40 fatal and injury crashes on Super Bowl Sundays versus 18 on the comparable other Sundays.

Drivers that are in San Diego and sober are able to get deals and discounts at the local restaurants and bars by downloading the Designated Driver Application, or the DDVIP from California’s Office of Traffic Safety.

Now it is not really a surprise seeing as Uber debuted in California back in 2012, and given the sponsored research, through MADD that endorses their results, that in markets where Uber is available, accidents have decreased.

  • Over 60 cases each month have declined in areas where Uber is operating when comparing the numbers to years prior.
  • This study also determined that the peak time for Uber being used was during drinking hours at bars all over the nation.
  • Uber plans to donate a dollar to MADD for any passenger that enters the promo code “THINKANDRIDE” between three in the evening and midnight, Eastern Time.
  • Drivers should definitely be more attentive on holidays like this and avoid driving unnecessarily. Trauma centers should also be prepared and staffed accordingly.
  • Be sure to plan ahead if you are heading out for the Super Bowl, have a driver designated, call a cab, or use public transportation.
We will all win on Super Bowl Sunday if we follow these keys to the game:
  1. Know the Rules: It’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. When it comes to drinking and driving, law enforcement doesn’t throw a yellow flag; they throw the book at you. You’ll get pulled over, arrested, and prosecuted. Your wallet takes a big hit, too: the average DUI court case costs approximately $10,000.
  2. Play It Safe: Defenses win championships; your best defense is to plan a safe ride. From buses and trains to car services and designated drivers, connect with the option that will get you home safely. NHTSA even has an app for that—SaferRide—which is available for Apple and Android devices and can connect you to a local cab company or with a friend who can come pick you up. You can even tweet their names to @NHTSAgov to make them part of the NHTSA’s Wall of Fame. Use the hashtag #designateddriver.]
  3. If You’ve Been Drinking, You’re Benched: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving. There’s no place on
  4. Be a Party MVP: Volunteer to be a designated driver. Let your squad know that you’ll be there for them when he road for anyone who has been drinking. If someone tries to drive after drinking, tell them to ride the bench until you help them find a sober ride home. If you’re hosting the party, you’re the head coach. Make the right call: take their keys before they drink and drive.


If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim who was injured due to an accident that is not your fault due to impaired driving, call our offices at Arash Law. We will help you through this, call our offices at (888) 488-1391 for more information or a free consultation now.
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DISCLAIMER: Information provided on this blog is not formal legal advice. It is generic legal information. Under no circumstances should the information on this page be relied upon when deciding the proper course of a legal action. Always obtain a free and confidential case evaluation from a reputable attorney near you if you think you might have a personal injury lawsuit.

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