Monterey Truck Accident Lawyers

with over $500 Million Recovered in Compensation for Injury Clients.
Recover Lost Wages, Property Damages, and Medical Fees.
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Our Monterey Truck Accident Lawyers Will Get You The Maximum Compensation for Your Losses

Truck accidents are common in both the urban and rural areas of California – Monterey is no exception. Truck crashes often result in devastating injuries and mountains of bills. If you were caught up in such an incident, you don’t need to face all of these alone. Call Arash Law at (888) 488-1391 today to speak with our dedicated Monterey truck accident lawyers to know how to get your life back on track.

Nearly everyone who drives into Monterey takes either California State Route 1, also known as the Pacific Coast Highway, or the Monterey-Salina Highway. These routes are both major shipping routes in California, and motorists frequently encounter commercial trucks. Unfortunately, many truck accidents occur along both of these popular roadways.

The city of Monterey is also one of the most desirable locales on the entire west coast. Home to both the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Monterey Jazz Festival, the city attracts many tourists throughout the year. The majority of tourists that visit Monterey choose to drive into the city. With tourism and the regular influx of trucks that supply the city’s economy, accidents are bound to happen.

Commercial Vehicle
Gil v. Anderson Plumbing: verdict by a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury in Van Nuys awarded to a man who was injured when his vehicle was struck from behind by a large commercial plumbing van. Benny was part of the trial team that obtained this verdict.

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen Often in Monterey?

Fatigued, overworked truck drivers are more likely to cause truck accidents when traveling through Monterey, California. Interstate commerce is one of the primary reasons so many roads and freeways in California are congested. Trucking companies are focused on becoming more efficient, and this means drivers are often overworked and required to log an extensive number of driving hours. Some drivers do not have enough time to satisfy all their deadlines.
Sadly, trucking companies will do everything within their power to protect themselves when they face a civil lawsuit. Also, many trucking companies will use response teams and experts to assess the accident scene alongside law enforcement agencies. It is extremely useful if you have trusted Monterey truck accident attorneys early on who can help you with every aspect of your accident case.

Financial remuneration cannot restore the health or mental well-being of an accident victim. However, it does help accident victims pay their medical expenses and progress in their lives after suffering horrendous injuries during a truck accident.

Why Should You Retain Truck Accident Lawyers in Monterey?

Arash Law understands how difficult and frustrating it can be to take the first step toward seeking out legal representation for a truck accident case. However, it is important that you do everything in your power to enforce your legal rights and seek monetary compensation for your injuries.
Skilled truck accident lawyers in Monterey can assess the facts of your case and determine if you have any viable legal claims. An attorney can engage in settlement negotiations with the insurance company and prepare your case for trial if the case does not settle out of court.
Large trucking companies may fight your case with a team of attorneys. But if you have exceptional legal representation you will not have to be intimidated by opposing counsel or the tactics they use to make you believe your case does not have merit.
Most truck accidents have multiple defendants, and this fact can make these cases more complicated than typical automobile accident cases. You will need to ascertain policies and procedures associated with the inspection record of the truck involved in the accident, as well as the amount of cargo and whether the driver was tested for drugs and alcohol after the accident.
Truck companies are businesses, and they will do everything in their power to protect their interests. However, the truck companies must comply with federal laws, and this can make establishing liability slightly more straightforward.
The federal laws that apply to truck companies concern how the truck company implements its policies and procedures regarding which truck drivers are hired and how many hours each truck driver spends on the road. Also, log books and black boxes will reveal information about specific truck drivers and whether or not they are violating their employer’s policies and procedures.
Truck companies are also responsible for having their trucks inspected on a consistent basis. You need to speak to an attorney who is knowledgeable about truck accident cases. The factors that may be relevant to your case may seem unimportant to an attorney who is unfamiliar with truck accident cases.
Emperatriz Ayala
Emperatriz Ayala
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My husband had an accident 2 years ago, a 85 years old man hit him, the Arash law group works very well on my husband case that took 9 month and he won the case and my husband was happy with the results. A year later I got into an accident as well and I’m still waiting in my case is almost resolving and it’s 9 months already. This people knows the law and they do their job right to help you out in getting the most for you to fight on your behalf. I strongly recommend the Arash Law firm they do things right in a efficient and professional manner.
Chris Zavala
Chris Zavala
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Had a great experience with all the people at Arash law. Long story short was in a bad car accident. It was overwhelming and the whole process was a lot, but they kept me in the loop. They answered all my questions and gave me great advice. Couldn't be any happier. Would definitely recommend anyone looking for a personal injury lawyer. They'll guide you through the whole process!
Jill Smith
Jill Smith
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Having Arash Law handle my auto accident was the best decision I could have made. Everyone I interacted with was kind, professional and detail oriented. I am extremely happy with the outcome and would recommend them highly.
Joseph R. Porter
Joseph R. Porter
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From start to finish, Arash Law firm is there every step of the way with close, constant, personal contact and attention. I never knew a Law firm could actually care so much for me as a person and what I was personally going through as well as the settlement I was going to recieve once my case was finally completed. Thank you to everyone at Arash Law for your ongoing support and communication. You are the ONLY firm I will ever recommend to someone who is need of a great attorny.
Monica Parra
Monica Parra
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I had an excellent experience with Arash Law. I will definitely recommend to my family and friends. I interviewed a few firms before deciding to work with Arash Law. What made my experience excellent was (i.e. head attorney being accessible to talk to and he answered all my questions and concerns, sensitive and thorough personel who completed in home intake & follow up process, being connected immediately to quality Physicians who addressed my injuries and recovery process, clear contract-read throughly to ensure its something you can commit to). Being in a car accident is a traumatic experience and I had a sense of peace knowing Arash Firm was walking with me throughout the whole process. Thank you Arash Firm for all your hard work and help. I am so grateful and appreciative for you all! 🙏 With Gratitude, Monica Parra

Examples of Truck Accidents Our Lawyers See in Monterey, California

Truck accidents can happen under many different circumstances. Distracted truck drivers and careless errors made by motorists can lead to truck accidents which cause serious bodily injury or death.
  • A frontal collision is one of the most devastating types of truck accidents. A truck and another automobile collide during a frontal collision, and oftentimes the vehicles are traveling beyond the speed limit. Unfortunately, many drivers of cars and SUVs may suffer more severe injuries when they collide with a large truck. Drivers and passengers also may die due to the injuries they suffer during a front collision.
  • Rear-end collisions are also a common type of truck accident. These accidents happen when a large truck collides with the rear portion of another automobile. Truck drivers who follow other vehicles too closely are likely to cause a rear-end collision. One of the most dangerous things a truck driver can do is tailgate another automobile. A commercial truck may not have enough time to come to a complete stop if traffic suddenly comes to a halt on a busy freeway.
  • Underride accidents are extremely dangerous and often cause victims to suffer serious bodily injury or death. These accidents occur when a smaller vehicle travels beneath a truck. Many drivers and passengers suffer neck injuries and traumatic brain injuries during underride accidents.
  • Jackknife accidents take place when a truck and a trailer collapse in on themselves and produce a shape similar to a jackknife. Truck drivers should never drive at excessive speeds around sharp turns because a jackknife accident is likely to happen. Multiple vehicles may be damaged during a jackknife accident, especially if the incident occurs on a highway or other congested roadway.
  • Rollover accidents are another form of truck accident that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death. A truck driver may be speeding around a sharp turn when the entire body of the truck turns over on its side. Typically, if other vehicles are near the truck when this occurs, they will likely be crushed beneath the weight of the truck.

The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Monterey, California

Truck drivers are supposed to handle their vehicles in a reasonable manner. The majority of truck accidents in Monterey are caused by the negligent conduct of truck drivers. Unfortunately, truck drivers may abuse drugs or alcohol to stay awake or deal with the stress of driving for long periods of time. Alcohol can delay a truck driver’s reaction time, reduce their ability to focus on the road and make it more likely that a truck accident will occur.
Truck drivers also abuse amphetamines to remain awake for long driving shifts. Abusing these types of drugs over a long time may cause truck drivers to develop a tolerance and lose the ability to concentrate while they are driving.
Fatigued driving is another dangerous activity that can quickly lead to a truck accident. Some truck drivers may try to work longer hours and forego sleep. However, it only takes a few microseconds of sleep for a truck driver to veer off the roadway and cause a devastating accident. Truck drivers need to get adequate sleep and take designated breaks while driving long distances. When a truck driver is fatigued, they are more likely to strike another automobile and lose control of their truck.
The improper loading of cargo on a truck is also a common cause of truck accidents. Rollover accidents are likely to occur if a truck’s cargo is overloaded. Some truck companies may try to violate state laws by overloading the cargo on a truck, but this is a dangerous practice because it puts the truck driver’s life at risk and makes it more likely that other motorists will suffer serious bodily injury or death.
Also, tire blowouts are one of the most common causes of truck accidents in Monterey. If the air pressure in the truck tires is too low or too high, then a tire blowout is more likely to occur. Blown out tires may hit objects or automobiles and cause serious bodily injury or death.

Lastly, truck accidents often happen when a truck driver operates their vehicle at an excessive rate of speed. Commercial trucks may be more prone to skidding over wet surfaces during poor weather conditions. A truck driver who speeds is more likely to lose control of the truck and cause an accident.

Examples of Truck Accidents in Monterey

Common Elements in Truck Accidents Throughout California

Truck accidents can arise under many different circumstances. However, the majority of truck accidents are caused by one of the elements discussed below.
Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous activities any person can engage in while on the road. The majority of drivers are distracted by mobile telephones and GPS devices. However, drivers may also be distracted by the radio, food, and loud passengers.

Commercial trucks are often loaded with cargo, but it is necessary to confirm that the trailer is not overloaded or underloaded. Dangerous cargo, such as chemicals and other materials, need to be loaded in a secure manner to prevent truck accidents from occurring.
Truck Maintenance
It is essential to provide regular maintenance for all commercial trucks. If a truck does not receive adequate repairs, then it is more likely that an accident will happen due to low tire pressure, thin tire tread, and inadequate brakes.
Substance Abuse
Truck accidents are more likely to occur when a truck driver engages in substance abuse. Small amounts of alcohol or drugs can have a profound impact on the ability of a commercial truck driver to operate their vehicle in a safe manner. Also, some truck drivers who are fatigued may be more at risk of causing an accident if they abuse alcohol or drugs.
The Health of Truck Drivers
Commercial truck driving is mentally and physically taxing. Truck drivers need to be in good physical condition to withstand long periods of isolation while driving across the United States. Also, truck drivers need to receive adequate training and medical clearance to ensure they do not have health problems that will interfere with their ability to work.
Fatigued Driving
Driver fatigue is a serious problem for those who do not get adequate sleep while performing their work duties. Sometimes truck drivers will be pressured to work extra hours to increase productivity, but this is dangerous because fatigued driving is one of the leading causes of truck accidents in California. Federal regulations are designed to ensure that truck drivers do not work excessively long hours and put the lives of others at risk of serious bodily injury or death.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is one of the most dangerous activities a commercial truck driver can engage in while operating a vehicle. Many truck drivers may violate traffic regulations and disregard the safety of other motorists.
Truck driving safety is an important component of overall traffic safety due to the large number of commercial trucks that ship goods throughout the State of California. Unique systems and information technology databases exist to promote commercial truck driver safety. Many truck companies are also responsible for managing their own fleets and ensuring individual truck drivers adhere to safety standards.
Data collected on a daily basis helps regulators assess whether a truck company is following standard policies and procedures. Nationwide databases also analyze truck accident statistics and the number of safety violations that occur on a monthly basis. Regulators also use this information to increase safety measures which can reduce the overall number of truck accidents.
Commercial trucks are not the only vehicles that must follow federal and state regulations. Any vehicle that weighs more than ten thousand pounds qualifies as a commercial motor vehicle. Large pick-up trucks, box trucks, and buses are also required to follow federal regulations.
It is possible that companies other than the trucking company may be liable for the injuries suffered by accident victims during truck accidents. A leasing company may be liable if they lease vehicles to a truck company with a history of safety violations. A lawyer can help you investigate these facts to determine which parties to name as defendants in a civil lawsuit.
Commercial truck drivers are professionals, and they should not be permitted to engage in reckless or irresponsible behavior while engaged in their work duties. Most commercial truck drivers undergo months or years of training to obtain commercial driving licenses. The weight and size of commercial trucks make them inherently dangerous, and those who operate these vehicles need to be held to the highest possible standard.

Truck Accidents and Serious Bodily Injuries

Commercial trucks that collide with smaller trucks, cars, and SUVs are capable of causing catastrophic injuries to drivers and passengers. Accident victims subject to these forceful impacts may suffer temporary or permanent disability.

One of the most dangerous aspects of a truck accident is the vulnerability of drivers and passengers as they move around inside the vehicle struck by the commercial truck. Oftentimes drivers and passengers suffer traumatic brain injuries by striking their heads against the steering wheel and other objects inside the automobile.

Broken glass may cause accident victims to suffer severe lacerations. Also, common injuries suffered by truck accident victims include internal organ injuries, spinal cord injuries, bone fractures, traumatic brain injuries, and neck injuries.

It is necessary to seek medical care as soon as possible after you are involved in a truck accident. You may think you experienced only minor injuries, but symptoms may not become noticeable for weeks or months after an accident. Therefore, you should seek medical treatment immediately if you are in a commercial truck accident.
Emergency room staff can take X-rays and perform other imaging tasks to assess any physical injuries you suffered. You may need to go to physical therapy or physical rehabilitation appointments to treat your injuries.
Truck accident lawyers in Monterey can handle every aspect of your truck accident case while you recover from your injuries. You do not have to face this challenging time alone.
Gabriel M.
Car Accident Settlement
This was a sad and tragic case in which our client was paralyzed after being struck by a distracted driver. The maximum policy settlement was 5.25 million and we were able to settle for the full amount. In addition, we were able to add additional workers' compensation benefits from our client's employer, as he was working at the time of the incident. The parties agreed to settle our client's workers' compensation claim for $2.5 million.
Car Accident Settlement
This was a sad and tragic case in which our client was paralyzed after being struck by a distracted driver. The maximum policy settlement was 5.25 million and we were able to settle for the full amount. In addition, we were able to add additional workers' compensation benefits from our client's employer, as he was working at the time of the incident. The parties agreed to settle our client's workers' compensation claim for $2.5 million.

The Parties Which May Be Liable For The Injuries You Suffered During a Truck Accident

Commercial truck accident cases typically involve multiple defendants. California law permits many different entities to face liability for the injuries accident victims suffer during truck accidents. State negligence law is the standard for all truck accident cases in California.
It is possible for two or more defendants to share liability under the comparative negligence scheme adopted under California law. It is important to recognize which parties may share liability in a truck accident case. The following are some of the most common parties named as defendants in truck accident cases:
  • The leasing company
  • The driver of another truck
  • The truck company
  • The truck driver
A design defect or manufacturing defect may have been the cause of the truck accident. Under these circumstances, the manufacturer may be liable for the injuries suffered by victims in the truck accident.

Federal Regulations and Truck Accident Cases

Truck companies must follow federal trucking regulations when they operate in the State of California. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is one of the most important bodies that promulgates truck safety regulations. Truck companies must adhere to the following rules:

  • Perform safety inspections before and after truck driving shifts
  • Limiting the hours truck drivers may work to reduce driver fatigue
  • Certify that truck drivers are satisfying the minimum standards
You may need to investigate what information the truck company possessed regarding the truck driver involved in a particular accident. Retaining Monterey truck accident lawyers can help you find more evidence you can use to substantiate your legal claims.

Establishing the Liability of the Defendant In a Truck Accident Case

The injured victim must prove that the defendant was liable for their injuries by a preponderance of the evidence. The truck driver and the truck company do not have to prove anything during a civil lawsuit.

You must prove that the truck driver transgressed a regulation or law and that this directly caused the accident in which you suffered injuries. Also, you must prove that you suffered physical injuries due to the truck accident and that the accident caused these injuries. This is a basic outline of the elements of negligence, which are technically categorized as duty, breach, causation, and damages. If you can satisfy all four elements, then you can seek financial compensation for your injuries.

Truck companies and insurance companies retain legal counsel to attack your case and assert defenses. The following types of evidence are useful in establishing the liability of the defendant in a truck accident case:
  • Truck driver time logs
  • Truck maintenance records
  • Truck driver employment records
  • Criminal convictions of the truck driver
  • Citations issued to the truck driver
  • Traffic collision reports
  • Witness testimony
  • Dashcam footage
  • Truck black box information
These forms of evidence will likely help you establish that the defendant was liable for your injuries. Monterey truck accident lawyers can provide you with the information you need to obtain these forms of evidence to use in a civil lawsuit. You may have to use different means to obtain copies of these records. Also, a truck accident attorney can help you determine when you should begin obtaining these important items of evidence for your truck accident case.
Truck Accident
Paz v. Airfax Logistics (settled on 5/26/2020) – settlement in a case involving a client who was involved in a trucking accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury and other trauma.

The Types of Damages Victims May Claim in Truck Accident Cases in Monterey

Accident victims who suffer injuries during truck accidents may seek monetary compensation for their injuries. Typically, accident victims claim general damages and special damages. The individual damages claimed will depend on the severity of your injuries, the speed at which the truck was traveling, various environmental factors, and the nature of your injuries. Also, the cost of your medical care will be an important factor in assessing damages.
Lost earnings are also an important element when you calculate the total damages amount in your case. You need to ascertain whether you will be able to return to the job you had before you suffered injuries during a truck accident. The following are common types of damages claimed by victims in truck accident cases:
  • Loss of the use of a limb
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental distress
  • Inconvenience
  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
Some accident victims lose family members during truck accidents. If this is the case, then you may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim against the defendant. Learning more about the possible legal claims you may be able to assert against the defendant can help you have a better understanding of how civil lawsuits work. It can be beneficial to know how to keep track of changes during the course of litigation. Retaining Monterey truck accident lawyers can help you with this.

Those Who Suffer Injuries May Seek Financial Compensation For Their Injuries

You may have been traveling through Monterey when you were struck by a commercial truck. Unfortunately, many truck accidents occur unexpectedly, and many victims do not have time to react to the impending collision. You should never be afraid to assert your legal rights and seek monetary compensation for your injuries. You may claim damages for the following:
You can learn more about how to prove your legal claims and hold the defendant liable for their negligent conduct. Speaking with skilled Monterey truck accident attorneys will help you understand what you can do to protect your legal rights as you begin to initiate a civil lawsuit. For example, your truck accident lawyers in Monterey may inform you that you should not post any information about your injuries on social media applications. You do not need to give the insurance company any reason to attack your claims.

Contact The Top-Rated Truck Accident Lawyers Monterey Trusts

Arash Law, led by Arash Khorsandi, Esq., helps injured victims seek financial compensation for their injuries. We have decades of experience representing clients in truck accident cases. We have recovered over $500 million for clients throughout the State of California. We focus on your case, and we are not afraid to stand up to insurance companies and assert the rights of our clients.

Contact Arash Law at (888) 488-1391 to schedule a free consultation. Our Monterey truck accident attorneys serve metropolitan areas such as Sherman Oaks, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento, Riverside, and San Francisco.

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