The 20 Best Driving Tips For An Extra-Safe 4th of July On The Road

The 4th of July, also known as the Independence Day in the United States represents a symbolic day in the heart of each American. The first week of July is typically one of the busiest American traveling periods of the calendar year, as lots of people use the holiday for planned family vacations and trips. It is also one of the most deadly holidays to drive on the roads, especially in California.

The Fourth of July inspires fireworks, parades, Pool parties, beach bonfires, garden BBQs, family gatherings, fireworks shows, concerts, & baseball games.

How about safe driving?  This past year, several people passed-away, hundreds of people were injured in car crashes investigated by the California Highway Patrol during the four-day July 4th holiday weekend. Thousands more were cited for speeding and more than a couple hundred people for DUI.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway and Safety, July Fourth is the most deadly day of the year for motorists across America due to impaired drivers.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that one-third of automobile accidents are due to impaired drivers. Even if impaired drivers didn’t actually kill anyone, they cause accidents all the time. They drive erratically, speeding up and slowing down, swerving, weaving, & crossing into other lanes. Typically they’re tired from too much liquor and often fall asleep at the wheel.

The travel group AAA stated nearly 43 million Americans will take trips to destinations of least 50 miles from their house during the holiday period, which it defines from Sunday, June 30 to Thursday, July 4. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety mentioned that the Fourth of July is the most deadly day of the year when it comes to vehicle accidents. Why? Mainly cause of these four reasons:

  • There are more vehicles on the road.
  • More drivers have been driving in regions beyond their regular commute.
  • Today more than ever, people are using their mobile telephones while driving.
  • More people are drinking throughout the afternoon.

It’s Important That You Take Defense Measures while driving.

Negligence is a significant reason why there are so many automobile accidents in the U.S. Unfortunately; we live in a world where drivers fail to follow the rules and don’t take the adequate security measures to reach their destination. Say, for instance, some motorcyclists ride their bikes without wearing helmets at the very least… Other drivers fail to enforce passengers to buckle up or never even ask their riders if they’re strapped in before hitting the road. Review your driving habits plus discard of some unsafe practices which can put yourself at risk.

From 2010 through 2014, The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) said, an average of about 118 people passed-away in vehicle crashes on July 4th in comparison with any other day which is typically about 90 fatalities. New Year’s Day has been the second worst day for motor vehicle accident deaths during the same test period, with a total of approximately 118.2 deaths. That is why it’s so important to be especially defensive when driving house from your Fourth of July holiday trip.

Below Are 20 Driving Suggestions To Follow For a Safer 4th of July Drive

  1. Avoid Going Out  → Stay Where You Are If Possible! If you don’t have to – don’t drive in any way. If it’s a weekend and you’re spending it out of town, stay overnight in a motel or campground & drive home the following morning.
  2. Do Not Drive Your Motorcycle → Leave your bike at your house & drive your vehicle instead. Motorcyclists are at particular risk at the beginning of July since it’s the middle of summer-time. Even if you put on a regulation helmet and protective clothing, you’re still far more vulnerable to being involved in an accident compared to if you had been in a vehicle.
  3. Drive Home Early → The earlier you drive on the start of July, the better. The later you depart for home, the likelier you will discover impaired drivers. It’s much better to hit the road before 7 AM rather than driving on July Fourth between 3 PM & 8 PM. While many drivers like procrastination, consider any easy course or leave early, so you don’t need to face the misery of getting trapped in traffic-jams during the festive time.
  4. Secure Your FurBaby → Most likely, you put on a seatbelt. What about your pet? Cats and dogs should be secured in crates which are fastened by straps or bungee cords in the event of an abrupt stop. A pet or even a hurling crate may crash through the windshield. Guard your 4-legged friends!
  5. Always Buckle-Up for Safety → In the majority of accidents, seat belts save lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries plus deaths from about 50 percent. Adults who live in rural regions are 10 percent less likely to use seat belts (78% use ) than adults that live in urban & suburban areas (87% use ). Also, guard your infants plus children in nicely fitted automobile seats plus booster chairs.
  6. Never Drink and Drive → A long day in the sand under the hot sunlight will tire you out. Be sure to stay hydrated. Do not use alcohol to satisfy your thirst; booze will only increase your dehydration. Keep loads of water on hands to remain hydrated. All 50 states including the District of Columbia have legislation defining driving impaired a crime if driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above a specified amount, now 0.08 percentage (0.08 grams booze per 100 ml blood). According to the CDC, one 12-ounce beer contains about the identical quantity of liquor as one 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5-ounce taken of liquor. Drinking liquor reduces reaction time and impairs judgment plus coordination, each of the skills necessary to drive a vehicle safely. The more alcohol consumed, the higher the impairment.
  7. Obey California Speed Limits → Allow loads of time to get to your destination. Most likely you will need to share the road with a large number of other drivers, road construction, and possible rain & the summer storms, so get used to it. You’re not in a hurry. Speeders don’t win.
  8. Stay Alert → Have a break when feeling tired. Take advantage of rest stops. Drive defensively. July Fourth, like any other holiday, requires a good deal of patience behind the wheel. Remain calm and attentive and try to avoid noticeably agitated drivers.
  9. Put The Distractions Away → Do not talk on your mobile phone while driving. Worse, Don’t text while driving. Both require attention. You may only perform one correctly. Program your GPS before leaving or while stopped, never while driving. Ask your passenger to change the CDs. Comb your hair and apply cosmetics upon arrival at your destination, never while driving. Do not consume or open or close food packaging while driving. Other vehicles could be getting in your lane, turning or slowing down. One or 2 seconds of distractions may negatively impact your life and the lives of others. “Thousands and thousands die all year as a result of distracted driving on our nation’s highway,” urges Attorney Joel Feldman, father of a girl that had been killed by a distracted motorist. “The death toll rises dramatically during summer-time months, especially for young drivers. We can all make a difference if we remember to keep our hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, and stop trying to multi-task while we drive. “
  10. Load SUVs Properly → When loaded with additional weight for example riders, bags compartment, and equipment–SUVs become stable. In contrast to the majority of sedans plus station wagons, SUVs have a higher center of gravity. With the excess weight, which typically rides over an SUV’s center of gravity, the vehicle will tip over more easily.
  11. Never Text or Use Your CellPhone While Driving → Taking your hands off the steering wheel plus taking your eyes off the road to text is quite dangerous. Talking on your mobile phone while driving also is harmful, although a lot of people have the misconception that a hand-held device is secured to use. It isn’t. While certainly higher than holding your mobile, having phone conversations while driving distracts you from concentrating on what is ahead, behind, and to the sides of you.
  12. Drive cautiously on Coastal Roads & Rural Areas According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), more accidents occur on rural roads than other places.
  13. Maintain Safe Following Distances If possible, remain a few automobile lengths behind the vehicle(s) in front of you. This way, you’ll have a much higher chance of seeing erratic driving plus avoiding its consequences. Use the 3-second rule to establish a secured following distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  14. Be Extra Careful When Approaching Intersections Impaired drivers are not known for obeying traffic signals and signs. Be particularly vigilant when coming to an intersection. Be conscious of vehicles coming from crossroads or roads. Do not presume they’re going to stop, even if they seem to be slowing.
  15. Cooperate at Checkpoints → Most states & municipalities set up police checkpoints on holidays. Do not be irritated if you come to one. The officers have been foregoing their very own holiday to protect you. Be considerate to them and make your motorist’s license & insurance card when requested.
  16. Be the Designated Driver → A 4-day weekend is not an automatic right to drink and drive. Agree to be the designated motorist in parties or establishments where liquor is being served. Even a few beers may impair your driving ability. Besides, it’s tough to maintain tabs once you’ve started.
  17. Preventive Car Maintenance Pays Off → Have your vehicle to the closest automobile mechanic that you trust the most. They would have the ability to advocate any repairs or additions which may prolong the life of your vehicle. From routine oil changes to checking the correct functionality of your lights, drivers are responsible for ensuring their automobiles run in good condition. Drivers generally overlook vehicle maintenance; however, the more you understand about your vehicle, the better. Get up a tune; check tire tread & pressure, oil & fluid levels, working lights plus windshield wipers, etc..
  18. Plan Your Route & Program It Into Google Maps Before leaving home check the Caltrans QuickMap to get familiarized with the current road conditions and other alternative shortcuts which might help you arrive at your destination on time. If you own a smartphone, check the map on your display or get an application which allows users to program their travel. During the drive, have a responsible passenger alert the motorist to closures and upcoming exits to minimize distractions. Avoid staring at directions on the phone while driving.
  19. Get a Good Night’s Rest → Did you sleep well? If you know you’ll be driving long distances before during July Fourth, why not sleeping well? Once you feel rested, then you are feeling more active & energized to carry out a new venture. However, sleeping a couple of hrs. Can influence your attention & your ability to produce a well-informed decision while on the road. If you are taking riders with you, considering switching drivers to help keep your mind rested.
  20. Pay Attention for Big Commercial Trucks They also have big blind spots. The rule is if you can not see the semi-truck/big-rig motorist in their side-view mirror, they can not see you. Big rigs also require a whole lot longer to stop when compared to the passenger vehicle, so never cut in front of any 18 wheeler truck.
AND – Last but not least, possibly the most important reminder we all can offer you

Report Drunk Drivers – According to MADD, if you see a drunk motorist on the road, you should not approach them. Maintain a safe distance or exit the highway if need be. If you have a passenger with you, have them get the following information:

  • The license plate number of the automobile
  • The make and model of the vehicle
  • The name of the road you are on
  • The direction the automobile is headed
How to Spot a Drunk or Drugged Driver

While, we’re not advising you ever take the law into your own hands, or put yourself in jeopardy, your vigilance on the road can help maintain our roadways safe—for you, your loved ones and your next-door-neighbor.

Here are  15 signs indicating that a fellow driver may be driving while impaired:

    1. Sudden acceleration or deceleration
    2. Tailgating
    3. Weaving or zig-zagging across the road
    4. Driving anywhere other than on a road designated for vehicles
    5. Almost striking an object, curb, or vehicle
    6. Stopping without cause or erratic braking
    7. Drifting in and out of traffic lanes
    8. Signaling that is inconsistent with driving actions
    9. Slow response to traffic signals (e.g. sudden stop or delayed start)
    10. Straddling the center lane mark
    11. Driving with headlights off at night
    12. Swerving
    13. Driving slower than 10 mph below the speed limit
    14. Turning abruptly or illegally
    15. Driving into opposing traffic on the wrong side of the road

Your passenger may then call 911 & review this information & provide a description of the erratic behavior you noted. Your safety is important. Do not honk against a suspected drunk motorist or attempt to signal them in any manner. Consider taking an alternate route if one is available or exiting temporarily.

If you or your loved one was injured in a drunk driving crash in California

Your family needs access to the maximum available financial compensation. As a general rule, personal injury compensation is meant to be compensatory. Though, in some drunk driving accident cases, punitive damages may be available. DUI accident victims are entitled to compensation for their economic losses and their non-economic suffering.

At Arash Law, we are proud to be aggressive advocates for injured victims. Our law firm does not represent defendants nor does it serve insurance companies who are known to use dirty tricks. We use our skills, knowledge, and legal experience to fight for the interests of injured victims. Following an accident, you and your family need the very best California DUI victim lawyer on your side. When looking for a ‘DUI accident attorney near me,’ you should consider everything from credentials and experience to industry recognition. Of course, nothing is more important than winning the case.

Our California personal injury law firm specializes in serving victims of DUI car accidents and has a proven record of successful results in personal injury cases. We have recovered more than $500 million for injured victims. We encourage you to review our testimonials from satisfied clients for more information. When you hire our California DUI accident lawyers, you will receive guidance from an experienced legal professional that you can rely on. When we take on your case, our powerful legal team will:

  • Offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation
  • Conduct a thorough investigation of your DUI accident case
  • Answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide guidance
  • Gather all relevant evidence to build a persuasive legal case
  • Undertake settlement negotiations get you full financial compensation
  • Prepare for personal injury litigation
Contact Our California Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Today

Our top-rated California car accident lawyers have the skills and experience needed to represent drunk driving accident victims in the full range of personal injury claims. We will fight tirelessly to protect your legal rights and help you and your family recover the full and fair financial compensation that you rightfully deserve. We’re conveniently located across the Sunshine State with offices in Los Angeles, Irvine, Fresno, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, Riverside, and Orange County.  Call us anytime, from anywhere in California for a hassle-free, no-obligation case analysis at (888) 488-1391 – Our accident lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Arash Khorsandi, ESQ
Founder, Arash Law

Arash Khorsandi, Esq. is the owner and founder of Arash Law, a large injuries and accidents law firm with offices throughout California. Over the years, Arash has built an all-star team of record-breaking lawyers, former insurance company adjusters, and the best paralegal staff in the country in order to ensure that his client’s cases result in the best possible outcome. In fact, our California personal injury law firm has won countless awards and distinctions in the field of plaintiffs Personal Injury law.

Recover Lost Wages, Property Damages, and Medical Fees.
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We’ll tell you if you have a case or not, call (888) 488-1391 — We’re here 24 hours a day.

DISCLAIMER: Information provided on this blog is not formal legal advice. It is generic legal information. Under no circumstances should the information on this page be relied upon when deciding the proper course of a legal action. Always obtain a free and confidential case evaluation from a reputable attorney near you if you think you might have a personal injury lawsuit.

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