Which Injuries Can Result From A Fall?

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    Slip-and-falls might seem harmless, often resulting in nothing more than a bruised ego and a moment of embarrassment. However, these accidents can also result in injuries that have significant physical and financial consequences.

    While minor incidents cause scrapes or bruises, major falls can lead to fractures, head trauma, and other potentially life-altering injuries. Even a seemingly insignificant fall can disrupt daily routines and impact quality of life in unexpected ways. Understanding the potential effects of falls can help those affected take the right steps toward recovery.

    Common Injuries After A Fall

    Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone, regardless of age or overall health. According to the National Safety Council, more than 8.5 million people received emergency department treatment for fall-related injuries in 2022. Often, these accidents lead to injuries that require medical attention for proper recovery. In some cases, delayed treatment can cause more serious health complications. That’s why it’s always beneficial to consult a doctor, even if the incident seems trivial.

    Below are some of the most common fall-related injuries:

    Soft Tissue Damage

    Soft tissue injuries encompass sprains, strains, and bruises and affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the skin. Damage to these structures can significantly impact your daily activities and overall well-being. While they might not sound as serious as something like a severe brain injury, they can still disrupt your life. These bodily injuries can result in significant pain, swelling, and reduced mobility, sometimes lasting weeks or even months. Symptoms often include localized discomfort, soreness, skin discoloration, and difficulty moving the affected area.

    The knee is especially vulnerable during falls. Damage to the ligaments, tendons, or cartilage can occur if you land directly on your knee or twist it awkwardly. This can lead to swelling, pain, and difficulty bending or bearing weight on the injured knee. If you hear a popping or clicking sound at the time of injury, it might indicate a possible ligament or meniscus tear. A meniscus tear is a common knee injury that occurs when one of the two C-shaped pieces of cartilage (the menisci) in your knee is damaged. These injuries may need medical intervention to heal properly.

    Lacerations And Cuts

    Worker Is Injured and have Laceration in knee

    Falling on gravel, rubble, or sharp objects can cause cuts and scratches on your skin. Dirt or debris might also embed in the wound and must be cleansed and removed. While most minor cuts mend on their own, lacerations, which are deeper and jagged, may require stitches to promote complete healing. In some cases, such injuries can be especially painful and difficult to treat, sometimes leading to permanent scarring.

    If not properly treated, any cut, puncture, or tear can lead to complications. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the open wound and cause infection. Always monitor for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus, and seek medical care immediately if these symptoms appear.

    Nerve Damage

    Nerves are distributed throughout your body. Hence, nerve damage can occur anywhere. Your nerves can sustain damage in various ways when you fall:

    • In a fall, the abrupt and violent movement can cause nerves to be stretched and torn, particularly in areas such as the arms, shoulders, and neck. This happens because the sudden impact and unfamiliar posture can cause the body to twist or bend in an unnatural way. This can cause the delicate and sensitive nerves to be overstretched or pinched, resulting in damage. This type of injury can lead to severe pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected areas.
    • Broken bones from a fall can directly damage the surrounding nerves. This happens when fractured bones press against or tear nerve structures, causing pain, numbness, and weakness. Swelling and inflammation during healing can worsen these issues, potentially leading to chronic pain or neuropathy (persistent tingling or burning). Understanding bone fractures and nerve injuries is crucial for effective treatment, which may include physical therapy, pain management, or surgery.
    • Swelling from a soft tissue injury can put significant pressure on the nerves, leading to various symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling. This pressure can disrupt normal nerve function, causing discomfort and potentially leading to more serious complications if not addressed.

    A nerve injury causes various symptoms, such as:

    • Numbness or tingling in the limbs.
    • A burning or “pins and needles” sensation.
    • Muscle weakness or atrophy.
    • Muscle twitching.
    • Pain or sensitivity to touch.

    Fractures are some of the most common injuries caused by falls, affecting approximately 5% of all those who fall. Even a same-level fall or a fall from a low height can result in a broken bone, especially if the impact is concentrated on a weakened or vulnerable bone. The most commonly affected areas include:

    • Hips — Many falls cause individuals to land directly on their hips, increasing the risk of a fracture in this area.
    • Wrists — People often instinctively try to catch themselves by extending their hands to break a fall, potentially resulting in a fractured wrist.
    • Ankles — A fall that causes the foot to twist, roll, or land awkwardly can result in a broken ankle.

    Older adults are particularly vulnerable to fractures after a fall. As people age, their bones naturally become weaker and more fragile, making them less stable and more prone to serious injuries. Hip fractures are especially common among those aged 65 years and older, with over 250,000 cases reported each year in the United States.

    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur when a person falls and strikes their head directly on the ground or another object, like a table or a countertop. In some cases, a TBI can develop even without direct contact if the head is jolted forcefully enough during the fall to cause brain damage. Symptoms can include:

    • Headaches
    • Dizziness
    • Disorientation
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

    A brain injury accident can lead to certain injuries with symptoms that may not appear right away, and you might not realize the severity of your condition until it worsens. Make sure you seek medical care after a significant fall, especially if you hit your head or you experience the symptoms above.

    Spinal Cord Injuries

    Slip-and-falls that result in a person landing on their back can lead to significant damage to the spinal cord. Even on level surfaces, falls can cause slipped or compressed discs and nerve injuries that can severely impact your mobility and comfort. If the back strikes an elevated surface, such as a curb or an object, the trauma can be even greater.

    Spinal cord injuries are among the most serious fall-related injuries, often resulting in long-term or permanent damage like paralysis. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, it can also affect bladder and bowel control. Warning signs include weakness, numbness, loss of control in any part of the body, and extreme pain in the neck, head, or back. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms after a fall, don’t wait. Getting prompt medical attention right away can help you minimize the long-term consequences and prevent further complications.

    Potential Health Consequences Of Fall Injuries

    The impact of a fall injury can be different for everyone. How your body heals depends on your overall health, the severity of the injury, and the circumstances of the accident. While some injuries may heal completely, others can lead to lasting effects, such as:

    • Chronic Pain — The pain from fractures, sprains, and TBIs can persist for months or even years after the initial injury. This chronic pain can have a significant impact on daily life, affecting your ability to work, enjoy hobbies, and even perform simple tasks like walking or sleeping comfortably.
    • Reduced Mobility And Independence — Depending on the nature and severity of the injury, you might have difficulty walking, climbing stairs, or performing everyday activities in the long term. Nearly 50% of seniors aged 65 and older who experience hip fractures face challenges that can significantly impact their ability to live independently after the injury.
    • Psychological Impact — A traumatic fall accident can lead to post-fall syndrome, where people are afraid of falling again. Those affected may question their independence and deliberately restrict their movements to reduce the risk of falling.
    • Disability — Severe injuries, such as spinal cord damage or TBIs, may result in permanent disability. This drastically alters a person’s lifestyle, affecting their ability to participate in social activities or care for themselves independently. The loss of income or the additional costs of specialized care can also affect family members.
    • Death — Falls are often associated with fatalities in the elderly. According to the NFSI, falls are the second leading cause of injury-related fatality in those aged 65 to 84 and the leading cause of injury-related death in those aged 85 and up. However, they can also result in death for healthy adults. A particularly serious fall can cause fatal injuries like head trauma or internal bleeding.

    Treatment Options For Fall Injuries

    The treatment for a fall injury varies depending on the type and severity of the injury. Some examples are:

    • Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) — For minor injuries like sprains and strains, this process can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
    • Immobilization — Injuries like fractures and sprained wrists may require a brace, splint, or cast to prevent the affected area from moving, reducing the chances of further damage.
    • Rehabilitation Programs — Physical therapy, chiropractic care, and other rehabilitation programs can help restore mobility, strength, and flexibility. These treatments can also help with pain and reduce the risk of future injuries.
    • Medication — Over-the-counter drugs and prescriptions may be used to manage pain and inflammation.
    • Surgery — In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair the damage. This is particularly common among older adults who may require procedures such as hip replacements after falling.

    Proper and timely treatment is crucial to ensure optimal recovery and prevent complications. However, accessing the necessary treatment and care can be challenging for many patients.

    Most Common Types of Falls

    Man Injured after falling from Scaffolding

    The kind and severity of a fall-related injury might vary depending on how one falls.

    • Same-Level Fall — Falls at the same level can occur on relatively flat surfaces, as well as ramps and stairs. Although they may seem less dangerous, they can still lead to serious injuries or fatalities. In 2022, 144 workers were killed due to injuries from a same-level fall. It has different types: 
      • Slip-And-Fall Slip and fall accidents cover a range of scenarios where a person might lose their balance and fall due to a variety of hazards:
        • Slippery Surfaces: A person might slip and fall when they lose their balance due to a slippery surface. For example, they might slip on a spilled drink in a restaurant, a patch of ice, or a freshly mopped surface. This type of accident is often linked to neck, head, or back injuries, particularly if the individual falls backward with no way to brace for impact.
        • Obstructions: An obstruction on someone’s path can cause them to trip and fall, often making them fall forward. If a person braces for the fall by extending their arms, they are highly likely to sustain injuries in the fingers, hands, wrists, arms, or shoulders. However, if they can’t brace themselves, they might sustain facial or head injuries, which can be severe.
      • Dead Fall — Someone could also fall even without slipping or tripping. In some cases, a person might simply buckle their knees and collapse. This can be caused by dizziness, weakness in the legs, a side effect from medications, or being intoxicated.
    • Fall From Height — This involves falling from an elevated position, such as from high up on a ladder, scaffolding, roof, or building. Falls from height often result in serious injuries and even deaths. Construction workers are the most at-risk group, with a fall-related fatality rate seven times higher than that of workers in other industries.
    Common Places Where Fall-Related Injuries Occur

    A slip and fall accident can occur anywhere and at any moment, often caused by a variety of hazards. For example, parking lots are notorious not only for car accidents but also for slip-and-falls. Wet or slippery surfaces due to spills, rain, or ice can cause a person to slip and fall. Cracks on the pavement, uneven or damaged flooring, and cluttered walkways could lead to slips and falls. Poor lighting, inadequate maintenance, and broken structures also lead to falling incidents.

    These hazards are present in various locations, including but not limited to:

    • Apartment Buildings
    • Construction Sites
    • Office Buildings
    • Shopping Malls
    • Grocery Stores
    • Restaurants
    • Sidewalks
    • Stairwells
    • Swimming Pools
    • Nursing Homes

    Property owners or managers have a critical responsibility to ensure safety, whether it’s a construction site with elevated hazards, a grocery store with risks of spilled liquids, or an office with heavy foot traffic on hallways. They have a duty to address the unique and specific hazards on their premises to ensure all individuals are safe.

    The Hidden Costs Of Fall Accidents

    The financial consequences of a fall-related injury can be overwhelming, often extending far beyond the immediate treatment costs. Long-term medical expenses like rehabilitation and medication can accumulate quickly, especially for catastrophic injuries. In cases of permanent disability, patients may need to invest in specialized equipment like wheelchairs or modify their homes to accommodate mobility challenges.

    These unexpected costs can cause significant burdens to the average American family. A particularly bad fall can drain one’s savings and cause financial instability. Even if the victim has insurance, it might not cover all the resulting losses from the fall accident.

    Furthermore, the loss of income during recovery can aggravate financial stress. For example, someone who’s recovering from a fracture might be unable to work for weeks or months, leading to missed paychecks that could have gone toward their rent or groceries. In 2022 alone, hundreds of thousands of workers were injured severely enough to take a leave from work.

    For those who suffer permanent injuries, the long-term effects can be even more profound. For instance, a victim sustains paralysis or a TBI with irreversible cognitive impairment. They may be unable to return to their previous line of work or any type of job at all. This loss of earning potential compounds the financial strain, making it critical for victims to understand their rights and seek compensation to cover both immediate and future costs.

    What To Do If You’re Injured After A Fall

    If you experience a fall, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and avoid making any injury worse. Follow these steps to protect your health:

    1. Don’t force anything. For instance, don’t stand if you cannot move or feel sharp pain. Instead, assess your condition before trying to move. Moving too soon or incorrectly after a fall can aggravate your injuries. If you can get up, do so slowly and cautiously.
    2. Seek help from someone nearby if you’re in a public place or at home with other people. Have them call 911 for you if necessary.
    3. If you’re on a commercial property, report the accident to the person in charge. For instance, if you slipped and fell at Home Depot, ask for the store manager. If the incident happened at work, report it to your supervisor.
    4. Unless you need to be immediately taken to the hospital, stay at the scene and take some photos and videos of the area where you fell. Capture the possible cause of your accident, like a broken handrail or wet floor. If you have any visible injuries, document those as well.
    5. Collect the information of any eyewitnesses. If you’re on a commercial property, take note of the name of the manager on duty or anyone who’s overseeing the place.
    6. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some injuries might not be immediately apparent but can worsen over time. Early medical intervention can help identify hidden issues and prevent complications.
    7. Consult with slip and fall accident lawyers. If you fell on private property, you may have a case against the owner. Reach out to a trusted injury law firm near you to learn more about your legal options and right to compensation.

    Legal Implications Of Getting Injured After Falling On Someone Else’s Property

    Sometimes, a fall is more than an accident caused by your clumsiness or a random loss of balance. Sometimes, it’s the result of someone else’s negligence. Property owners are legally required to maintain reasonably safe conditions for visitors, tenants, or customers. This applies to property managers, landlords, store owners, private homeowners, construction companies, or other individuals in charge of the premises.

    If they fail to maintain safe conditions or neglect to address hazards, they may be held responsible for your injuries. A premises liability claim may arise, allowing you to pursue compensation for all your losses, including medical expenses for immediate and long-term treatment, lost wages if you’re unable to work due to your injuries, and pain and suffering.

    If you’re injured, consulting with an attorney specializing in premises liability cases ASAP is a smart move. They can assess if you have a valid case and help you navigate the legal process afterward. At Arash Law, we can evaluate your case for free. Our injury lawyers will explore your legal options, explain your rights, and help you make the right choice for your physical and financial recovery.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    How Much Compensation Can I Receive For A Fall Injury?

    How Long After A Fall Injury Can You File A Claim

    The money you’re entitled to receive for a fall injury depends on the severity of your injuries and the extent of your losses. In general, cases involving serious injuries result in higher settlements or awards because they account for significant medical expenses, extended recovery periods, and greater physical and emotional pain. However, even seemingly minor cases can lead to high compensation amounts.

    Here are a few examples of our case results:

    • $6,000,000 for a young roofing contractor who fell through a defective skylight in a commercial building.
    • $5,200,000 for a worker who sustained a spinal cord injury and mild TBI after falling from a tree.
    • $3,500,000 in a premises liability case that involved inadequate lighting, causing our client to fall.

    To better understand the potential value of your slip and fall case, consult with a qualified attorney for slip and fall accidents. They can thoroughly evaluate your case and consider factors like your future treatment costs, reduced earning potential, and all other current and long-term impacts to estimate a fair value. Your injury lawyer will also advocate for the amount you deserve during negotiation and litigation.

    How Long After A Fall Injury Can You File A Claim?

    Your deadline for filing a claim for a slip-and-fall depends on the circumstances of the case. For example, if the case involves the government, victims only have six months to file a notice of claim with the respective agency. For workers’ compensation claims, the deadline is one year from the date of the injury.

    If you want to file a lawsuit, you must consider the local statute of limitations for personal injury claims. In California, victims generally have two years from the date of the accident or the date they discovered their injury. Once the statute of limitations expires, you can no longer bring a case to court, regardless of the strength of your evidence or the severity of your injuries.

    Consult a slip and fall accident lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights and ensure you meet all critical deadlines. They can help you understand the legal process, navigate the legal system, and clarify the validity of your claim.

    Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer For A Slip And Fall?

    Slip and fall lawyers offer valuable assistance in navigating the complexities of an insurance claim or lawsuit. Here’s how they can help:

    • Establish Liability — A lawyer for slip and fall accidents can conduct a thorough investigation into your case to determine who’s responsible for your injuries. For example, if you had a slip-and-fall accident at Walmart because of a slippery floor without a warning sign, your attorney can argue that the store failed to ensure a safe environment for its patrons. By establishing that the incident was due to negligence, you have a chance to secure compensation for your injuries and losses.
    • Advocate for You — If you get a slip and fall lawyer, you gain an ally who ensures you’re treated fairly throughout the claims process, from filing to negotiations to trial. If insurance companies attempt to lowball you, they can push for higher compensation that fully accounts for all your losses. At Arash Law, we stand firm for our clients’ rights, even when we face powerful defendants like Costco, Target, and other large corporations in your slip-and-fall case.

    Your Fall May Not Be Your Fault! Contact Our Slip and Fall Attorneys

    Slip and fall accidents are far more common than most people realize, and the harm they cause often extends beyond physical injuries. They can disrupt your daily life, impact your ability to work, and lead to significant financial strain, leaving you to struggle with both physical and emotional challenges.

    Sometimes, these result from an individual’s momentary lapse in attention or a risky choice. However, there are times when a fall happens because of someone else’s negligence, which means another person could have created a dangerous condition that led to your accident. In this case, you may be entitled to compensation.

    If you or a loved one is injured in a fall due to another party’s fault, don’t hesitate to reach out to Arash Law, which is regarded as one of the biggest personal injury law firms in California. Our lawyers for slip and fall accidents are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. In our decades of experience, we have helped numerous victims of fall incidents recover what they’re owed.

    Our top-notch team also has experts in traffic accidents, such as car accident lawyers and truck accident lawyers. Call (888) 488-1391 today for a free, initial consultation. Let our slip and fall accident attorneys handle your case so you can focus on healing.


    Arash Khorsandi, ESQ
    Founder, Arash Law

    Arash Khorsandi, Esq. is the owner and founder of Arash Law, a large injuries and accidents law firm with offices throughout California. Over the years, Arash has built an all-star team of record-breaking lawyers, former insurance company adjusters, and the best paralegal staff in the country in order to ensure that his client’s cases result in the best possible outcome. In fact, our California personal injury law firm has won countless awards and distinctions in the field of plaintiffs Personal Injury law.

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    We’ll tell you if you have a case or not, call (888) 488-1391 — We’re here 24 hours a day.

    DISCLAIMER: Information provided on this blog is not formal legal advice. It is generic legal information. Under no circumstances should the information on this page be relied upon when deciding the proper course of a legal action. Always obtain a free and confidential case evaluation from a reputable attorney near you if you think you might have a personal injury lawsuit.

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